Jtag all recievers for free!


Bronze Member
Username: Jmontana1

Post Number: 16
Registered: Apr-06
here's simple jtag for 2700a with pics
foget about spending $60 it's not worth it !!
just do some reading you'll find your answer, hey it may take some time..but U will do it!
this is how i fixed my boxes!
tag Header Identifier on the PCB: HS1

Pin configuration: Square pad is 1. Numbering is first row (or column), even second row (or column) like this:


This is actually how it looks from the top when you open the case with the front towards you. The bottom edge of the header in on the bottom of the main PCB, which is in the back of the unit (the power supply PCB is in the front). The header is just below and slightly to the left of the DCU or main CPU at the front edge of the main PCB .

Used connections are laid out like this:


Wiring is as follows, resistors 100 Ohm 1/8W (1/4 W OK too),
except for ground (GND):

Pin__Signal__Resistor__Parallel Port Pinout (DB25):

9____GND_____No________18 to 25 (I used 25)

Wall.exe does not seem to work. So I only use Unlock and Jkey. (May be you can skip Unlock too.) You need to change the port to use Parallel port.

Be careful not to touch anything on the Power Supply board when power is on
Fixing Skymax Printer port Error

If you get error "can't open parallel port" using skymax in windows xp (especially SP2 ), press Ctrl+Alt+Del and bring up task manager. In the Process tab look for Skymax and end process, this will close Skymax. Now right click on skymax.exe - properties - compatibility and check the box Run this program in compatibilty mode for - choose Win98/Me. Click OK then open skymax, this will get rid of problem.

This is what worked for me

I used skymax_up1.3 which came in a zipped file "FULL PANNEL 04 LIFETIME TO PANSAT 2300 JTAG DUMP.zip".

It worked with Windows XP Pro, but I kept getting the DCU error until I put a ground jumper on the 25 pin plug. I put a jumper wire between pins 1, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and connected to the ground wire. I tried to gain access to this receiver for months with different computers and programs with out success until I jumped the gounds.
Also you can check the to see if the printer port is set properly in the motherboard BIOS.
Start skymax then selected 1MB and pressed the start button until it's connected, may take 5 or 6 tries, as soon as it connects erase the flash. I used Jkeys to install the new flash as I have used it before, and Jkeys worked perfectly after I erased the flash with skymax.

If this works for you please post results as many other people are having sam DCU read problem

If you get error "can't open parallel port" using skymax in windows xp (especially SP2 ), press Ctrl+Alt+Del and bring up task manager. In the Process tab look for Skymax and end process, this will close Skymax. Now right click on skymax.exe - properties - compatibility and check the box Run this program in compatibilty mode for - choose Win98/Me. Click OK then open skymax, this will get rid of problem.

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