oh wait i get more info:2700 JTAG Guide If you have a 10-pin header on the circuit board, here is how to make the jtag cable:
tag Header Identifier on the PCB: HS1
Pin configuration: Square pad is 1. Numbering is first row (or column), even second row (or column) like this:
2_4_6_8_10 1_3_5_7_9
This is actually how it looks from the top when you open the case with the front towards you. The bottom edge of the header in on the bottom of the main PCB, which is in the back of the unit (the power supply PCB is in the front). The header is just below and slightly to the left of the DCU or main CPU at the front edge of the main PCB .
Used connections are laid out like this:
._4_6_8_. 1_3_._._9
Wiring is as follows, resistors 100 Ohm 1/8W (1/4 W OK too), except for ground (GND):
Pin__Signal__Resistor__Parallel Port Pinout (DB25):
1____TDI_____Yes_______4 3____TCK_____Yes_______3 4____TMS_____Yes_______2 6____TDO_____Yes_______13 8____TRST____Yes_______5 9____GND_____No________18 to 25 (I used 25)
Wall.exe does not seem to work. So I only use Unlock and Jkey. (May be you can skip Unlock too.) You need to change the port to use Parallel port.
Be careful not to touch anything on the Power Supply board when power is on!!