Bad guide


Bronze Member
Username: Caged

Post Number: 25
Registered: Apr-06
It seems to me that the only thing with fta is the guide. Fta guides only pickup the shows that are on right now, and sometimes the shows that come on next. To pick a show thats going to come on tonight is impossible. And if you arrange your channels they way you want them then they just go back the way they were. Anybody know if theres a way around this

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 2206
Registered: Jan-06
IF u had done some 3rd grade level reading U wouldn't ask a 1st grade question and be so retarded!

Bronze Member
Username: Caged

Post Number: 26
Registered: Apr-06
LK you're just mad because you have old wrinckly balls...

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 2232
Registered: Jan-06
we all know U get get 8 hrs EPG with almost all receivers now....and if U arrange channels, they don't rearrange themselves unless the TP is what are U talking about!...maybe if read more and knew more of the truth then U wouldn't be posting non sense that just isn't even remotely truthful..I'm sure U beleive it, but thats cause U don't know any better...and U have old wrinckly balls!....and U're just mad cause U don't know what U are doing or talking about! U think U're cool now that U lurk at community chat! ....if I remember right, I'm the one that got U set up watching TV recently! don't screw with me..

Bronze Member
Username: Caged

Post Number: 27
Registered: Apr-06
First off, you didnt get me started off doing anything. I had already ordered my ird before I even came to this board. Secondly, my EPG doesnt even come remotely close to 8hrs, it shows whats on right now and thats it. I also have to set the time just about everytime I use it and I have to redo the Echo7 channel lineup. You can say that you dont know how it happened but dont say that it cant happen, cause it can - and it does...

Bronze Member
Username: Boyce

Post Number: 17
Registered: Apr-06
Is you bin up to date?

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 2266
Registered: Jan-06
CAGE...I'M THE ONE WHO TOLD U TO GO TO EFTA AND I EVEN PM'D SOULLEZZ FOR U REGARING SHIPPING< AND TRIED TO GET U A BETTER PRICE!!!!!...U ARE AN UNTHANKFUL POS!...U DIDN'T KNOW WHICH RECEIVER OR WHERE TO BUY (2 WEEKS AGO ONLY)..AND HOW LONG IS SHIPPING....AND THEN I ANSWERED A MILLION QUESTIONS FROM U....I do NOT want U to ever speak to me again...U are a 2 faced know nothing newbie of very POOR character!...and I will expose U in the chat as well I am an op there as well!

Bronze Member
Username: Caged

Post Number: 28
Registered: Apr-06
LK, you can ask anyone in #dsscommunity how long ive been there, and ANYONE there will tell you that I've been there for WELL over a month... So you can feel as high and mighty as you want but the only reason you ever told me about efta was because I was looking for the best price alternative(to efta)...

and here is the proof:
my first post was ASKING if these were the same receivers... now how could you have possibly told me about efta if my first question had a link to efta in the post? Get your facts straight before you talk crap LK...

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 2267
Registered: Jan-06
Yes that is MY proof!...that I then told U to contact pansat and find out is the other site was selling clones...I discovered they were, so THEN U decided to buy at EFTA....U ONLY had of heard of EFTA because of me telling everybody that they sold GENUINE receivers and were the sponsor at dsscommunity!....U are really a low life scum bag...and YES your first post PROVES MY POINT!...that I helped U all along and now U piss on me ...hypocrite!...U will pay in the chat bud!

Bronze Member
Username: Caged

Post Number: 29
Registered: Apr-06
How could I have possibly heard of them from you if my very first post had a link to the website to it. I was merely asking EVERYONES opinion about something that I already knew... So therefore: STFU loser! 8-)

Bronze Member
Username: Caged

Post Number: 30
Registered: Apr-06
Boyce: I have bin 145, is that the best one for the 3500sd right now?

Bronze Member
Username: Boyce

Post Number: 33
Registered: Apr-06
148 is for 2700, 145 for 3500

ansat 2700A/E X-87BL Version 146
Bev and DN autoroll FIX! Dated 03.17.06

Pansat 2700A new updated features. Dated 04.09.06
1.Supports Up to 40 hours EPG
2,Supports up to 10 days EPG by PID
3.Supports AutoPID filtering.
(automaticly will detect and will filter it self with a new updated PID).
4.Including new downloader for current Release update.
Please use the downloader included in a ZIP. [X-87BL Downloader.exe]
After updating your receiver with new release.
Please insure You should have atleast one of your dish facing on ECHO-6,8.
Other wise EPG will not be updated up to 8 hours. All Motorize dishes should be facing to Echo 6,8 too.
Other wise EPG will not be updated up to 8 hours. The reason to have Signal coming from ECho 6,8,
because EPG data coming from current satellite. As soonest your receiver has been updated to a new version,
right after reboot it will apear message
Loading EPG Please Wait..... 0% [||||||||||xx% ] 100% This poccess will take up to 1 to 2 minutes.
ECHO 6,8 = Echo 110.
Motor dishes dont need to update satellite one by one for EPG data.
when you restart by using your remote control
Option 1-[OK] Will update all Satellite EPG data up to 8 hours.(Again! Your motor DISH should be facing on Echo 6,8)
Even If you have your Motor dish faced to 6,8 only,
It will update all ECHO satelite EPG up to 8 hours
ECHO 61.5,- 3
ECHO 110,- 6,8
ECHO 119,- 7
ECHO 121,- 9
ECHO 148,- 1.2
and all other ECHO SATELLITES.
And we have an option to use for EPG up to 10 days by PID.
Simply in EPG bar will apear EPG update option.
[1 CH D.L]^(1 Channel EPG DOWNLOAD up to 7 Days). By pressing Yellow Button on your Remote Controll.
It wil apear Message [One CH, Load.. 0% [||||||||||xx% ] 100% This poccess will take up to 1 to 2 minutes.]
Please let us know if any bugs found, we will update with in 24 hours.

Pansat 2700A new updated features. Dated 04.11.06
All refered bugs has been cleaned.....
Please ler as know what else should be fix.

The file released it to
Official site for Pansat Receivers!
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