Adding BEV to DN with Viewsat 2000


Bronze Member
Username: Carcpl58

Post Number: 36
Registered: Oct-05
LK was talking with you the other day about this topicand you said I need to scan and change settings. Are the settings you are talking about the Port and the LNB setings. If not what are they? Using DN Twin LNB and Prot would be #3 since 110 and 119 take up the first 2.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 2202
Registered: Jan-06
don't recall conversation...but when I mention "settings"...yes thats what I mean , the LNB and disque settings..

119-port 1
110-port 2

and do NOT know what your Prot is..port 3 would be any other satellte and LNB U have on roof..

Bronze Member
Username: Carcpl58

Post Number: 37
Registered: Oct-05
I have an old DTV dish with a standard single LNB.
Used it to eatch BEV a few years back when it was still available. Still aimed in the right direction so hook up won't be such a problem. 91 West is the correct Sat. I think?
Thsanks for your help LK. I am heading to Orlando in a couple of weeks how hot is it this time of year down there?


Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 2207
Registered: Jan-06
93...but NOT humid!...its beautiful now!
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