New to the receiver system


New member
Username: Friendly37

Post Number: 3
Registered: Apr-06
help me please
i have a fortec star life time ultra and i want to see the encrypted channel. how can I flash my receiver?

Bronze Member
Username: Al_bundy

Post Number: 32
Registered: Mar-06
try future-fta.c*om
and dsstester

New member
Username: Friendly37

Post Number: 4
Registered: Apr-06
is the web site address false?
because it does not show the web site.


New member
Username: Zagros

Post Number: 2
Registered: Apr-06
Hi guys;
I am very new in FTA business, so I need some help please.
I have been using a Microyal MRX 600 to watch free channels. I have an 80cm regular dish and a KU band LNB. Recently I bought a Pansat 3500 SD but I am not sure my dish and LNB are the right kind.
Help me please.

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 2230
Registered: Jan-06
OK for FTA

New member
Username: Klooll


Post Number: 1
Registered: Apr-06
Hi guys;
I am new in this forum, and I need some help please.
I have been using a Topfield receiver model TF3000Fi to watch free channels. I searched for software and uploader to program my box. I could not succeded so far.
Help me please.

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 2233
Registered: Jan-06
U bought a no name , no support with it now..all U can do is use various search engines or contact the place U bought it or the manufacturer..

New member
Username: Zagros

Post Number: 4
Registered: Apr-06
Would it work for 110, 111, 121, and some of the others??

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 2240
Registered: Jan-06
not 110...there is NO 111...yes GO READ abou linear and circular LNB's...!

Circular & Linear LNB's: What's the difference?


OK everyone, put your polarizing sunglasses on.

What's the difference?
Answer: About -3dB or half the signal level.

Now take your sunglasses off. Notice how bright it is in here? The difference in brightness is an example of using the wrong lnb type.

Circular and Linear polarization refer to the characteristics of the radio wave that is transmitted by the satellite towards your dish/LNB. Below are links to visual comparisons of Circular (Left or Right-hand) and Linear (Vertical or Horizontal) polarization.
http://www.lyngsat.c o m/echo3.html
Nimiq 2 @82.0°W
Nimiq 1/3 @91.0°W
EchoStar 6/8 @110.0°W
EchoStar 7 @119.0°W
EchoStar 1/2 @148.0°W

How do I know they are circularly polarized?
If you click on any one of the links for the satellites above you will notice that under the first column labeled as "Freq. Tp" you will find one of the following single letter designations:

"R" = right-hand (=circular polarization)
"L" = left-hand (=circular polarization)

So what about linear polarization?
Linear polarization refers to a wave of radio signal rotating in a single plane. Think of an approaching helicopter as the helicopter's main rotor is moving towards you. It is rotating in a single, horizontal plane. The same approaching helicopter's smaller rear rotor is rotating in a single, vertical plane. In our satellite case it can be either in the "H"orizontal or "V"ertical plane.

The following example satellites (visable in N.America) are transmitting with a linear polarized signal:

SBS 6 @74.0°W
AMC 5 @79.0°W
AMC 9 @85.0°W
IA 6 @93.0°W
IA 5 @97.0°W
AMC 1 @103.0°W
AMC 2 at 105.0°W
EchoStar 9 @121.0°W

Again, under the first column labeled as "Freq. Tp" you will find one of the following single letter designations:

"V" = vertical (=linear polarization)
"H" = horizontal (=linear polarization)

Now that you understand the difference between the two satellite polarization types please put your polarizing sunglasses back on.

Hmmm, a little harder to read this right? Well, that's what happens to your receiver when you try to use a linear polarized LNB to receive a circular polarized satellite signal and vis-a-versa. About a 50% loss of signal!

Armed with the invaluable information you now possess, by using this link you can determine for yourself what type of LNB you will need for each satellite.

If you need a circular polarized LNB look for words describing it as "DSS" or "DBS" or "circular" or a combination of these terms.

If you need a linear polarized LNB look for words describing it as "FSS" or "FTA" or "linear" or a combination of these terms (FYI: All Universal LNB's are linear LNB's).

Quote: could use linear LNB to get circular signal with 50% signal lost.

You will need a large dish to compensate for this loss.

Quote: can't use circular LNB to get linear signal.

Technically incorrect. Trying to receive linear polarized signals with a circular polarized lnb (antenna) is possible with the same 3dB/50% loss of signal.

The actual reason why you most likely cannot receive linear signals with circular lnb's is because most all "DSS" circular polarized lnb's are incapable of receiving the frequecies at which linear FSS signals occur:

Standard FSS LNB (11.7-12.2 GHz)
-------->DSS LNB (12.2-12.75 GHz)

Universal FSS LNB (10.7-12.75 GHz) <-- has wide bandwidth

New member
Username: Zagros

Post Number: 7
Registered: Apr-06
Thank you Lk.
What about the Antennas are they different too or I can use mine for both 110 and 121? I forgot to tell you that I bought a "SG-2100 H-H Dish Motor" and I am panning on getting 110, 121, and some others if possible.


New member
Username: Klooll


Post Number: 2
Registered: Apr-06
Thanks LK for your usefull info. Actually my reciever is very populr in Asia. Recently I found a softwre upgrade from topfield canada website including the uploader. The box is accepting null modem connection through RS232. I did that ugrade; no major changes you can see. I am still searching.
LK please please help me in my search. If you need any extra information about my box please let me knowe.

New member
Username: Klooll


Post Number: 3
Registered: Apr-06
Hi LK,
I have a star choice dish and lnb I/P(11.7-12.2Ghz,Quad output switchable Ku)O/P (950-1450 Mhz). As you mentioned about LNBs this might be a FSS one, so I Can not use this dish and lnb to recieve DS or bVU signal!! Can I use it with 33 inch dish for FTA SIGNALS? OR Anyother use of it with ds, PLEASE ADVISE.
THANKS \popjpeg{221263,Upload}
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