1. Sony FWD42PV1/B 42" Plasma 2. Denon AVR-1802 Receiver 3. Comcast HDTV DVR Cable Box 4. Phillips Progressive Scan DVD Player
My goal is to plug everything into the Denon, then run a single connection out to the plasma as a display. Sounds simple.
However, the monitor only has the following inputs:
RS-232 Communication Component In Composite RCA DVI-D S-Video
And the Denon only has Composite out and S-Video out. I was told that S-Video is not good for HDTV but I see no other option as the Denon doesn't have DVI or Component out. To make matters worse, the DVD player will have to use composite or S-Video as well to the Denon ... and I again heard that neither are optimal for progressive scan units.
So basically I need to fit a square peg into a round hole, then fit that round hole into a triangle.
Just run your equipment strainght in the TV.There reason S-Video is not good for HDTV cause its a analog cable and cannot carry HD.Go HDMI from STB into tv.Component from DVD player to tv and set on progressive scan and you will be set.
If I do that, something is getting short changed. Because the TV only has one of each of those options. So either the cable box or the DVD player goes components ... not both.
By the way, I should have mentioned that I have a PS2 as well ... although ... I can just run composites on that so I'm not concerned. But what does concern me is that this TV is mounted over a fireplace and not optimal for running 30 wires. Which was one of the main reason I wanted just one connection coming in.
There are many reasons why going to the display directly is better than going through the receiver with a vid signal. For the record, if you want to do something like that, get a switcher box and be done with it. Everything in with one output to the display.
Also HDMI is not better than component and folks are having quite a number of problems with HDMI connects for a whole bunch of reasons. In many instances component currently gives the most accurate picture rendition.
This is because of compatibility issues with the various HDMI standards, versions 1.0, 1.1 1.2 a 1.2 B and the unreleased yet needed 1.3. Unless all devices have the same version either audio, video, or both will suffer.
Sony no longer makes plasmas FYI. There isnt anything wrong with drummer response, but I didnt see an HDMI input on your display list. Be sure to set your display box to the right signal type ( 480i, 1080i etc depending on what type of video signal you are receiving).
However, the cable box DOES have DVI. So I am going to run the cable box to the TV via DVI. Then I'll run the DVD player to the TV via components. I'll run the PS2 to the TV via composites. And I'll run an S-Video cable into the receiver as sort of a wildcard for any future component. Then I'll run all audio to the receiver. It'll be a pain to run all those wires and have to keep using two remotes ... one for changing video inputs and one for changing audio inputs ... but at this point ... its seems to be the only option as I do not want to spend any more money.
Unless anyone thinks this is wrong, thanks for all your help.
One other question ... the TV's DVI input says DVI-HDCP ... which I know causes problems when recording. Since my cable box is a DVR, am I going to have any issues?