I have a pansat2700A with the 143 binary. I get the fta, 119, 121, and the 148.
The 148's signal was lost a few weeks back due to probably the dish being moved, and I haven't fixed it since then.
Since that day, my other channels ppv, and all the others come on only when the receiver decides to show them!!! I know that sounds wrong, but really that is what is happenning!!! The only channels that consistently work are the fta. The 119 and the 121 come on only at night and only when I switch channels often and frequently, only then do they start working!!!
Should I download a new binary onto my receiver? if so which one do you recommend?
Do I need the switch and do another scan or is just plugging a new switch enough? Also do you recommend I get the new binary, or is my binary good enough?
Do these switches break very easily? I have only had this one for about 3 months now and it doesn't get any rain or anything!!!
Buy a new switch and replace the old...they break often...and I already told U to do scans , with no switches hooked up...run each LNB cable directly to receiver and scan first...then hook up switch..NEVER change switch settings or touch switch when powered..