Missing 119 Channels


New member
Username: Dish_newb

Post Number: 1
Registered: Apr-06
I had dish network before and recently got a PANSAT 3500SD and got it to work for the most part. I have two dishes - one 61.5, and the other I am not sure 119/110 (how can I tell?). While with dish, I got channels from 61.5, 110 and 119 with 2 dishes.

Now I have a PANSAT reciever hooked up using a DisecQ 4x1 switch with the 61.5 on LNB3 and the other (110\ 119?) on LNB2.

The channels from 61.5 are fine and I get all of them.

The problem is with the other dish. Although I do blind scan on Echo 8.6 and Echo 7, I only get 110 channels. I am never able to get the 119 channels, like CNN (200) and Nickelodian (170). I have tried doing the blind scan multiple times, but nothing has helped. I still have the same problem.

Any help will be much appreciated.

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 1723
Registered: Jan-06
Need to know what type LNB or how many on the non 61.5 dish..is it 2 Duals LNB's (each Dual has 1 eye and 2 outputs) or a TWIN LNB (1 unit combined with 2 eyes and 2 outputs)?...does it say "Dish Pro" or "Dish Pro PLUS" on it?...if so, which?....what does the 61.5 LNB say on it?...all of this is relevant to the fix..

I can tell U 1 thing right now, no matter what the LNB's say...your receiver settings are NOT configured correctly...Need disque #1- 119/Echo 7, disque #2-110/ echo8.6, disque #3 -61.5, freq-11250, sat scan - all...LNB type will be either Dish Pro or standard..heres a sample of the screen I'm talking about..menu-installation-antenna


Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 1724
Registered: Jan-06
Twin vs Dual LNB's...These both happen to be Dish Pro's (DP) as U can read on the LNB, NOT Dish Pro Plus (DPP)....or Legacy's that do not say Dish Pro at all..



New member
Username: Dish_newb

Post Number: 2
Registered: Apr-06
Thanks LK for such eloborate info.

The non-61.5 dish has a TWIN LNB which says Dish Pro on it. with one cable

The 61.5 dish has single LNB which also says Dish Pro.

I have the cable coming from TWIN LNB (non-61.5 dish) connected to disque #2 on my disque switch and

And the cable coming from the Single LNB (61.5 dish) to the disque #3 on my disque switch.

I have the setting for disques on the reciever like you have mentioned execpt for disque #1- 119/Echo 7. Have Ech 7 119 set to Disque #2 as I dont have anything connected to disque #1 on the disque switch. I'll try changing that and will see what happens.

Thanks again


New member
Username: Dish_newb

Post Number: 3
Registered: Apr-06
LK - I tried doing a blind scan on 119/Echo7 by seeting it on diseque one, but no transponders were found. More than likely, this is 'cos nothing is conncted on Diswque #1 on the switch.

Thanks again

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 1727
Registered: Jan-06
BTW...there is a difference between a SINGLE and a DUAL LNB...a Single has ONLY 1 output for 1 receiver...a Dual has 2 outputs for 2 receivers..

New member
Username: Dish_newb

Post Number: 4
Registered: Apr-06
Thanks LK. The non 61.5 dish has a TWIN LNB with only 1 cable running from it. This setup was working when I had dish service with a Dish 311 reciever.

How do I get it to work now with the PANSAT 3500SD?

What settings should I be using? Do you think I need to run another cable from the TWIN LNB?


Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 1731
Registered: Jan-06
U need to run 1 cable from the TWIN into port #1 of a disque switch ,and 1 cable from the 61.5 into port#3 of that same disque switch...then run the cable output from disque to your FTA pansat 3500 reciever...remember it plugs into IF input in back of pansat..

receiver settings as shown above..

Dish pro
119/ echo 7 - Disque #1
110/ echo 8/6 - disque # 2

should be good to go after loading bin 143, set default key, blind scan or TP vertical scans..


Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 1732
Registered: Jan-06
sorry ...in receiver settings add...61.5 - disque #3

New member
Username: Dish_newb

Post Number: 7
Registered: Apr-06
Thanks a lot LK for your help. This makes a lot of sense.


New member
Username: Dish_newb

Post Number: 9
Registered: Apr-06
LK - Out of curiosity, how is dish network able to get signals from both 110 & 119 using one cable in a TWIN LNB?

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 1739
Registered: Jan-06
Twin LNB have 2 eyes to receive 2 satellite signals...and 2 internal built in disque switches to combine the signals into 1 cable..



Bronze Member
Username: 1tina_chick

Post Number: 12
Registered: Mar-06
I just got a sat C LNB kit made by terk for D-tv 3 lnb dish. I'm

using a 18 dave with stock lnb. I took LK's advice with the

poorman's set up, hose clamps and rubber bands. the new lnb is

12.5-12-7 GHZ and I can't get sh*t with it. I do get 90% signal

but only 25% quality on 119 and yes I have changed

transponders and freq on the new lnb. I have never seen 119 all

I get is 110 at 94%.... good clear picture but no 119. Yes many

know me here as an avid reader so I'll keep at it . what am I

doing wrong or what type of LNB should I use in this set up ? the

new terk lnb is designed for future programming on D-tv as it

becomes available. it also says it's not compatable with 18"

standard dish...what I'm using + cool 4 P......... Help ! ! TINA

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 1766
Registered: Jan-06
I just got a sat C LNB kit made by terk for D-tv 3 lnb dish

what did U say?...what is that?...D-TV 3lnb is that Dishnetwork (DN) or DirecTV (DTV)?...U cannot use a DTV phase 3 LNB without GREAT difficulty...I recommended to U , NOT to use it...remember!...now U figure it out!...good luck!...U do NOT make poormans dish using that 3 LNB's!....obviously U didn't read my posts about the poormans dish!

Bronze Member
Username: 1tina_chick

Post Number: 13
Registered: Mar-06
Yes LK with all due respect, I am an avid reader. Please try not to get short tempered, I am a tester like you and millions of others.

The LNB I'm using is a single LNB made by Terk for the middle

position of a 3 LNB set up A= 101 B=119 C=110 I'm using C

I'll say it again it's a single LNB. I got my money back on that

triple ellipical dish at the second hand store we discussed in

prior posts.
LK, we all know your KING and I mean no disrespect, I'd like to

stay on good terms with you OK ?
This LNB is all I could find locally.. OK . It looks like I'll be taking

it back to the store soon. I hit 110 fine with the old set up I'd

like to hit 119, I have not yet hit it.

I'm using a hose clamp and rubberbands just like you

suggested. When I buy another LNB I think it will be a dual like in

your very informative diagram. Remember I'm looking for 119

any advice on the type or types that will hit 119. Thanks again

to ALL and I mean no harm to anyone....... PEACE .. FTA FOREVER

Bronze Member
Username: 1tina_chick

Post Number: 14
Registered: Mar-06
Oh, on one part of the box it says compatable with direct tv multi-sat and direct para todos dish antennas.... then in small print it says not compatable with direct tv 18' sat dish. why ? at the top it says Access to future programming (as they become avaliable)
it's 12.5 -12.4 GHZ LNB..... Thanks Tina

Bronze Member
Username: 1tina_chick

Post Number: 15
Registered: Mar-06
OOPS , 12.5 - 12.7 GHZ LNB

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 1785
Registered: Jan-06
Poormans dish


Bronze Member
Username: 1tina_chick

Post Number: 16
Registered: Mar-06
Thanks LK, I have had that exact picture on my desk top since you were kind enough to post it. What type of LNB do you use to hit 119 ? does the ghz have to be...... What ?.......... Thanks , Tina

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 1786
Registered: Jan-06
U can use any circular LNB from Dish, Bev or DTV satellite dish 12.2-12.7 ghz...except Legacy TWIN or Quad (unless u have a coo*lsat or viewsat receiver

If you need a circular polarized LNB look for words describing it as "DSS" or "DBS" or "circular" or a combination of these terms.

-------->DSS LNB (12.2-12.75 GHz)

Circular polarization refers to a wave of radio signal rotating in a spiral. This spiral can be rotating in either the clockwise ("R"ight-hand) or counterclockwise ("L"eft-hand) direction. Think of an approaching airplane as the plane's propellar is moving towards you.

The following example satellites (visable in N.America) are transmitting with a circular polarized signal:

EchoStar 3 @61.5°W [link removed]

1. Legacy:
a. single: called single legacy, one output.
b. dual: called dual legacy, 2 outputs.
c. twin: big fat lnbf, 2 outputs, has 2 SW21 switch built-in. (sw21 is not for FTA)...NEW-ONLY coo*lsat-viewsat FTA will accept
d. quad: big fat lnbf, 4 outputs, has 4 SW 21 switch built-in. (sw21 is not for FTA)..NEW-ONLY coo*lsat-viewsat FTA will accept

2: DishPro
a. single: called single DishPro, one ouput.
b. dual: called dual DishPro, 2 outputs.
c. twin: big fat lnbf, 2 outputs, has 2 independent Diseqc switch built-in (FTA-yes)
d. quad: big fat lnbf, 4 outputs, has 4 independent Diseqc switch built-in (FTA yes)

Dish Pro twin LNB gets both the 110 and 119 on 2 receivers..and no switches needed...

Dish pro LNB's cannot use legacy channel lists...need DP channel lists

sw21 switch are used with Dishnet receivers

disque switch is used with FTA receivers


DUAL LNB is for 1 satellite signal (example 110) and 2 receivers...TWIN LNB aka fatboy/fathead is for 2 satellites ( Example..110 and 119) AND 2 receivers .. there is much confusion about DUAL vs TWIN LNB's

Home made 2 sat dish (using dtv dish & lnb)


These FTA receivers are amazing lil toys. Using a dtv dish and an extra lnb can get you the 110 & 119 sats and consequently 457 FREE channels. I have done this myself and it's so easy, I can't believe they make dish's with skew adjustments. I literally use rubber bands or hair ties to strap an lnb to the existing lnb and get 2 birds very quickly. I will be attaching photos and it's just as easy as it looks. Standing behind your dtv dish thats already pointed at 101, simply turn it to the right a little and drop the elevation about 10%. This is where the 110 sat is. You can use your dtv receiver to find the 110 by going into dish pointing menu and selecting one of these transponders 8, 10 or 12. When you find the 110 you will hear the signal meter rise and you can then fine tune it. Attach an extra lnb to the right (facing the dish) by using rubber bands or hair ties or wire ties, about 2 1/2 " above the other existing lnb (see photo) Attach the cable from it to the dtv receiver and in dish pointing change the transponder to one of these 23, 25, 29 and you'll probably aready have some signal, slide it up or down, keeping it flush with the other. Once she's dialed in epoxy or super glue to the original lnb. This is soo easy!
When done you now have a single existing dtv dish that will pull 457 channels for your NEW FTA receiver!

Hint: I also use wire tie or string around the lnb horns to draw them together and focus on center=better quality

Bronze Member
Username: 1tina_chick

Post Number: 17
Registered: Mar-06

Silver Member
Username: Rzoo4u2c

Post Number: 154
Registered: Oct-05
Scan Scan Scan Scan Scan Scan Scan Scan Scan Scan
missing channel 214 TWC the weather channel.

Silver Member
Username: Rzoo4u2c

Post Number: 155
Registered: Oct-05
Got it back but I had to paste into channel list then load it. What gives?

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 1801
Registered: Jan-06
The Weather Channel TWC 214 6 119° E*7 AT60 DLPlus FAM

Did u scan 110- TP6

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 1802
Registered: Jan-06
The Weather Channel TWC 214 6 119° E*7 AT60 DLPlus FAM

Did u scan 119 - TP6

Silver Member
Username: Rzoo4u2c

Post Number: 156
Registered: Oct-05
Somehow my transponder freq was 12297 instead of 12299 weird. edited and now fine!

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 1807
Registered: Jan-06
TP 6 is 12297

Silver Member
Username: Rzoo4u2c

Post Number: 157
Registered: Oct-05
Sorry I had it reversed. It was set at 12299

New member
Username: Poacher420

Post Number: 1
Registered: Apr-06
hi!i was just watching the tube and lost all channels on 119 and 110 i am running kewlsat4k with version 120,it says all channels r scrambled everything was running fine until today.please help me thank u.

New member
Username: Pep

Post Number: 5
Registered: Mar-06
try to set autoroll to off and reenter keys

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 1820
Registered: Jan-06
Just do a receiver reset/reboot...BACK of receiver, power OFF,wait 2-3 minutes, power ON, turn to cahnnel 300...if NO switch in BACK, then unplug receiver for a few minutes..

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Username: Sageman

Post Number: 1
Registered: Apr-06
Hi LK, Got a question for you.
Got a friend that is trying to hook up a legacy dish to the Pansat 3500. We can't get it to work on 110 or 119. We are setting the LNB type to standard. I took my dishpro 500 over an hooked it up and set the LNB type to dishpro and it worked great but no luck at all with the legacy dish. I guess we still have something wrong. The legacy dish has 2 dual LNB's with 2, 2 to 1 signal combiners for dual reciever setup. The two LNB's say Dish digital LNBF. Any help would be appreciated!

Gold Member
Username: Maple_leaf

Post Number: 1394
Registered: Apr-05
It's dishpro lnb and you need a dishpro channel list.

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Username: Billybeerboy

Carthage, Il United states

Post Number: 3
Registered: Mar-06
I am having a similar problem.I have been doing alot of reading per LK's suggestion but I am hitting a roadblock here.I am using a pansat 3500sd with a dish 500 dish and a dish pro twin lnb that is digital.I have it set to get 110 but I cannot get 119.I read LK's post where it said that the twin lnb by dishpro had a built in switch.So you did not need a switch between the dish and the receiver.
What settings am I supposed to use with my receiver to make this work?I have my disque set on off on the receiver.If I try 1 or 2 I can get a signal for 1 but not on the other.If I try the disque setting that works for both I still only get 110.I am very confused at this and have been fighting with this setup for too long.
I gleaned a few pointers from the archives but they are so vast that I am not finding what I need.Please help!! I know this might sound stupid to some of you but please remember you were all newbies at one time needing help.

New member
Username: Sageman

Post Number: 2
Registered: Apr-06
Bill, If using the Dishpro 500 Dish you do need to set the Diseqc in the dish setup. Use 2 and 3. I think its 2 for the 110 and 3 for the 119. Set LNB type to dishpro of course. don't change anything else. You should get 119 then from the dishpro 500 dual dish. Also, someone else may be able to answer this, Is it possible to have the dish pointing off a few degrees and be able to pick up one sat and not the other? Like the 110 LNB picking up 119 instead?

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 1973
Registered: Jan-06
Dish Pro Twin LNB receiver settings

LNB type- Dish pro
Disque ON
port #1 - 119 echo 7
Disque ON-
port #2 - 110 echo 8.6
scan ALL

If these don't work and still no 119, then U must realign the dish correctly!....and scan BOTH the satellites echo 7 and 8/6

New member
Username: Billybeerboy

Carthage, Il United states

Post Number: 4
Registered: Mar-06
I guess maybe I am getting the 119 and not the 110.I know one of them has all of the Venus channels and I am not getting that one.Because I put 119 on disque 1 like you suggested and I can get that one in but when I try to put 110 on disque 2 I get nothing for quality and no channels.

Silver Member
Username: Leew

Ketchikan, ALASKA

Post Number: 405
Registered: Jan-06
@ bill courtois ,All Venus channels you can get only from Nimiq 1.3....

Silver Member
Username: Leew

Ketchikan, ALASKA

Post Number: 406
Registered: Jan-06

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 1978
Registered: Jan-06
Bill the dish is not aligned correctly....U are WAY off...U are aimed at 91W...U want 110 and 119 W....U are off 20-30 degrees!...go way more East (maybe 3-4 inches) and elevated..depending where U live...why don't U just use the simple satellite finder files that dsscommunity has!

New member
Username: Sageman

Post Number: 3
Registered: Apr-06
Will a legacy dish network dish work to get 110 and 119 with a pansat 3500? Not the dishpro... What settings? Thanks

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 1986
Registered: Jan-06
yes..as long as there are no TWIN Legacy LNB's..Dual LNB's are fine..

same settings as shown in picture above, except echo 7 -119 and echo 8/6 -110...and disque setting will depend on U and where U plug in LNB cables..

New member
Username: Billybeerboy

Carthage, Il United states

Post Number: 5
Registered: Mar-06
Thanks LK !!! I downloaded a program called azielevation and it helped me get the exact settings for azimuth scew and elevation.I am now getting both 110 & 119 on my receiver.As you said LK there was no Venus channels on this package.Thanks for your help and everybody else that tried to help also.

New member
Username: Baba1234

Post Number: 1
Registered: Apr-06
hi guys i have same problem. i bought dish500 with dual LNB DPP and i was missing either 110 or 119 but an installer asked me to get dual LNB legacy so i bought that thinking it will make diffrence but it didnt with DPP i used to get all adult channels but with legacy im not getting those also i set LNB to 11250 but some reason when i change channles it changes n it tells on those channles that NO SIGNAL.and some channels i get same message. please help with this issue.. thank you all..

New member
Username: Baba1234

Post Number: 2
Registered: Apr-06
also where can i download program for pansat 2700a.

Bronze Member
Username: Crippledwarcook

Post Number: 11
Registered: Apr-06
you can download the program at

Follow the instructions and you will be watching TV in not time...ROTF

New member
Username: Baba1234

Post Number: 3
Registered: Apr-06
there is a such a site by that name?
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