I have a lifetime ultra and have gotten used to how to make it work. I am looking at a c*olsat 5000 platinum or a viewsat or pansat to add another receiver and see how I like those in contrast to the fortec. My question is, how different are these receivers (programming-wise) from the fortec? For example, do they also have autoroll bins that can be loaded like the fortec? Is there more maintenence involved with these vs the lifetime ultras? Thanks in advance for any experienced answers.
They all have autorolls...less maintenance than any Fortec...basically all the same procedures with all FTA's for programming...Pansat is most like the Fortec...There are minor differences (menu...screen...etc) with the others, but U will get used to it..The best EPG is the coo*lsat 6000 (7 days)...and coo*lsat and viewsat don't usually go down when DN plays with the autorolls,but pansat and Ultra always go down..but pansat 3500 is nice too with the SD card..think I'd go with the coo*lsat 5000 or 6000..
Thanks LK. I'm going with the co*lsat 5000. I hope it blind scans faster LOL. That's my one beef with the lifetime ultra, seems like a slow blind scan.