Start with the manuals. Since you provide nothing by way of equipment type, no one can provide you with a useful response. There are some good contributors in this forum, but to the best of my knowledge, no one is clairvoyant.
OK! Well, I have a Panasonic ES20 DVD recorder, a Motorolla digital cable box that does NOT have the DVR function, and a Sony Wega TV with numerous means to hook things up to it. The cable box has one set of plugs for the Audio and Video, and of course the coxial cable, but nothing as far as S-Video or additional audio or video outlets. Right now I have the cable from the wall to the cable box, then to the DVD recorder, then to the TV. This is what the tech support told me to do. In order to watch On Demand we have to put it on channel 001. My DVD recorder will not let me schedule anything on channel 001, so that is not an option. Would it better to hook the cable to the cable DVD recorder, then the cable box and TV? Thanks in advanced!