think i have to much free time...lg 50px5d is up and running..hd stations and dvd look great however been trying to do some adjustments and noticed when trying to set black level i cant seem to get it to were a dark (black) area in a movie is pure black...picture is fine but looking closely at what should be a very dark area in the picture there is a (what i call a glow)from the screen itself...ok like when you turn the tv on the screen starts a dim glow (power going to screen)then the picture would come on as compared to the screen staying dark (like when its turned off)then the picture comeing on...seems to me if this turn on glow wasent there black parts of the picture would be truly i being picky here or is this (glow) normal when a plasma screen turns on (with or without a picture on the screen)...thanks
My Samsung plasma does the same thing during dark or low light shows, but then during the same show with well lit scenes the picture is fine. I have not been able to find an answer as to why or how to fix it. I have tried different picture settings but nothing works. I even thought of taking it back but since it was a gift I only had so much money to work with so I decided to just keep it. I just chalked it up to being too picky.