u know that sat 91 has 2 satellites NIMQ1 and GALAXY 11 ....i have a 6 feet channel master dish...someone told me that you need a linear to view sat galaxy 11...but then he told me that i will not be able to view that channels because they have a special encription...is this true..or do u know someone that has it...
and another question...NIMQ1 and galaxy11 are on the same sat is it the same freq or what freq does galaxy 11 uses...and is it the same elavation as nimq1..
and another thing iam trying to get sat 91...but i dont get a signal with the CS4000 signal meter but i get a signal with the satfinder....but i get no pic or sound...i even tried the keys mannually..and even waited about 30 mints and aslo tried the autoroll...
what do u recomend...i check the cables and everything is ok..i cant find 91...i find 61.5 and 110 and 119 in less than 20 secs but i cant find 91..what is there to do..someone told me to scan even thought i dont see any pic..