Got a comcast dvr recorder so that i could record lost and now that i'm watching the back episodes i've found that it didn't record the whole show! is there anyway to change the record time or do i just have to record the next show?
You can pad the length of the programming after setting the initial show you want recorded by several minutes (hours) in either direction. If you have a show programmed to begin recording immediately after LOST you will often run into problems since they like to run over two minutes past the hour for no good reason.
Plus we need to know if your DVR is a single or dual tuner model.
It's actually a Direct TV tuner DVR. I don't know how I screwed that up...I'll blame the cold medicine. Also, is there away to record/save more than 5 episodes?
In that case try posting in the Sat section. Or at least give me the model number so I can look up the specs. Plus is it a TiVo? Are you recording HD? I can't imagine a DVR that only holds 5 hours no matter who manufactured the unit.