I was wondering if anyone could help me out. Here is my situation. My TV is pretty normal, has the coaxial in from the wall, Component video in for DVD. And composite out for audio/video to the receiver. I run component from DVD to receiver then from receiver to TV, works fine, but I have to switch both the receiver to DVD and the TV input to DVD (was wondering if I could do component switching from receiver). Here the real problem I can get the VCR play but cannot get it to record, from the TV. I run composite A/V's out from the receiver to the VCR in, and back from the VCR out to the receiver in. I then run a composite video out from the receiver to the TV monitor in .
This was identical to the way did it before and it worked.(with theexception of I had the wall going into a sattelite cox, and then out from the box) I am wondering if there is some input select I am not using that is causing the disconnect.
It used to be simple, everything was controlled by the receiver, and I didn't have to adjust the TV inputs. Now I am in the middle of remote control he77!!
If anyone can help out I appreciate it.
If this helps the Receiver is a Pioneer Elite VSX36tx, and the VCR is an older sony with just the RCA's and coaxial.
I would assume that the moitor out would be sending the siginal to the VCR.