I have a Pansat 2700A and I'm using BIN 143 for 110 and 119. I have confirmed that my dish 500 very secured, but some how I'm losing signal quality from Satellite 119 (TP 12240, 12268, 12355 and few more), so far each TP had dropped from 90% to 60%. Please advise for any help?
I really have no way to explain decreased signal from specific TP's..if U're sure dish has not moved, then all I can think of is weather, new area construction of high buildings , growing forests on mountains, deteriorating cables or connections or LNB.
Try changing Bin, but that should NOT change the signal..is this a constant loss?...maybe new cables needed...I really am not sure..
BTW...where in Mass?...I have a 2nd home at the Vineyard..and one son and grandkids in Western Mass..I was raised at Westover AFB...I go back every summer for awhile...have friends throughout the state, and won New England Novice GG 147 welterweight in Lowell, many years ago..use to vacation at Hampton Beach and Cape also....also have a time share in Lee/Lenox, thats I seldom use...brother in law is an Abdow, owns all the Big Boy restaurants...Mass is a beautiful state..
LK, The signals dropped from 90 to 60% of quality, most channel with 60% will work if I wait for approx. 10 second.
Did you mean Vineyard Haven? This is a beautiful Island in Mass. You're really know many places in New England. I live in Boston and not to far from Lowell.
Martha's Vineyard...I was also in military at Otis, Ft Devens, South Weymouth,Hanscom in Bedford and North Truro by P town...also lived a fews years in Southie...and frequented the commons and the combat zone which is now gone..also went to the old Boston Gardens and Fenway frequently while student at BC..
hello, can anybody help me out, i m having trouble with a clone of pansat 2500a. its called Dr. Sat. i flashed the damn thing with, X-85BL_050926_256. scanned the channels, went to enter the keys into nagravision. at that point, where i m suppose to get the option of dishnetwork. i dont get that. it only shows, provider id(fffff), keys(ffff), keys(ffff). and when i hit the OK button on the remote. the lil bugger freezes. any idea what i m doing wrong? or something i am suppose to download?.. plz let me know. neone.!!!. thanks.
U need to scan the satellites before U can get to parental controls and the nagravision screen to appear...suggest use the 272T2 bin posted everywhere...its better than the 256T ...its safe for all clones and is an autoroll bin, so U never have to manually input the keys again..
LK, Do you have any idea how to download a bin file or channel list from laptop? My laptop doesn't have the 9-pin connector like desktop. It does have 25-pin, 15-pin and USB.
lk, hope you can help again, i have one dish hooked up the dish 500. on my reciver i am not getting a signal, tried the reset still nothing. but if i check the signal on sat 8.6 99%. i was going to replace the dish i have outside just incase maybe it is the problem unless you have a diffrent suggestion. but while you are suggestion, at the same time i am thinking of adding a reciever up stairs. down stairs i have the fortec ultra with the pansat bin. which reciever would you recomand to add?
Good receivers....Pansat 3500, Coo*lsat 5000, Viewsat Extreme
Not sure what your setup is, don't remember if U told me before..
No signal can be a million things..bad dish alignment, LNB, cables, connections, receiver configuration settings, switch, bin needs a dummy satellite,,,too many variables without knowing what works and what doesn't and what U have done..
the alignment has always been the same the signal sometimes comes and goes. i know the yoke was in bad condition i just ordered one online. hopefully i can have that problem fixed. my plan is i have two dual lnb's only one part of each lnb is conected to the spliter that sends the signal to my fortec ultra. i am assuming that i can run two more cables to another spliter and run them upstairs. in the perfect world that would work. with all that being said dose it matter what type of reciever i have upstairs? and if so do you recomand one brand over another?
LK Don`t know if you remember but this is the guy who was having all the trouble with the Pansat 2700 and I could not get the channels sorted out, any way the people I bought it from got me to send it back for a replacement and he sent me out a ARIZA 700. It works great. Is this a good machine or not. I don`t know if I got shafted or not. Thanks Mack
First ALWAYS Reboot the receiver ANY time U have a problem!...BACK of reciver, power OFF, wait 2-3 minutes, power ON, turn to channel 300...
If that doesn't fix , then 2nd ALWAYS check your receiver settings configuration...LNB-standard, freq 11250, disque ON, port# match diques switch cables etc..sometimes this will change by itself..below is ONLY a sample..