Connecting Samsung DVD/VCR combo to Magnavox TV HELP!


I'm not familiar with the technical terms so please bear with me...

I just purchased a Magnavox TV and need to connect my Samsung DVD/VCR combo to the televison and cable before Tuesday morning so that I can set it up to record a program while I'm away. The back of the television has an S-Video and RCA inputs. The back of the combo has an S-video output for the DVD only. The VCR side had RCA in/out (red. white, yellow) jacks. So far, I've purchased the s-video cable and the red and white RCA cable. What other cables/connecting wires, if any, do I need to purchase to get everything working properly?


I should add that the back of the televison only has I/O red and white jacks. I previously had a Memorex television and the combo was connected to it by only the cable wire. Can I do that with this one?

Gold Member
Username: Samijubal

Post Number: 2371
Registered: Jul-04
Connect the s-video for the DVD and the RCAs for the VHS, then connect coax for viewing cable/antenna without having to have the recorder on.

Thank you so much.
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