Hey I was running 1 reciever fine on my C**lsat 4000pro with the dishpro dish 500 dish... I just added another reciever.. from what i understand the lnb is a dual twin lnb... i connected 1 wire from each of the recievers directly to the lnb... I was not sure if any of the dish settings needed to be updated or if i wired it wrong (i thought a switch is built in already) but now half the channels work...some channels almost seem like they are overlapping eachother... can someone please help? maybe with the dishpro dish 500 lnb settings for the recievers or what would be different on each reciever??? I am not completely sure about the LNB type (was set to OCS which i thought may be the OCS-DP is what was needed?) the commit and all that stuff... please??