I just got my new Pioneer ELITE 1130HD. What kinds of things should I do to break in this TV? What should I do to reduce the chances of burn-in besides not watching news shows like CNN? I hardly watch that kind of program anyway.
You can watch CNN or anything else just don't do it for a long time, and not at high contrast and brightness settings.... at least at first. The general rule of thumb, although not scientific, is to run it with reduced contrast and brightness for the first 100 hours or so. You can adjust it yourself of search the avsforum.com for some suggested settings for the PRO1130.
Turn off "Dynamic" mode right away and change it to "User". Then adjust the settings down from there until your plasma racks up some hours.
The PRO1130 is an outstanding 50" plasma, congrats!
I too recently bought the PRO1130 and absolutely love it; absolutely phenonomal HD picture quality. I've mainly stuck to watching DVD's and Hi-def channels with no logos, and will plan to do so for at least 3-4 months. If you must watch channels with logos, try adjusting the picture size (i.e. zoom) to push the logos out of the way. I do this when watching "24" to get rid of that annoying Fox logo. I also have the display set to "User" with the contast no higher than 25 (less than 50%), and the bright and sharp levels both set at -5. Good luck, and enjoy the heck out of your new Pioneer. You made an excellent choice!