Posted on Wednesday, February 15, 2006 - 04:39 pm:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I recently purchased a KLVS40A10 Sony LCD TV. I am also using a Motorola 6200 for HD reception. However, I am finding the wide mode for the TV "flicks" between several zoom settings (on its own)throughout a program (typically this occurs w/ analog stations). Also the zoom does not stay "set" for the HD stations - resulting in inconsistent viewing ratios for each station.
The analog stations and zoom settings stay set when I attach the cable directly from the outlet to the TV, but when I use the HD box the "flicking" begins.
I have switched out the cable box for a new one, so the problem is not there. I suspect however, there may be a conflict in settings between the two components.
Does anyone know the correct setups for this equipment (I suspect it may be a 4:3 override problem on either the Tv or the cable box), but I still have not achieved satisfactory results.