Dish Network + VCR + no stereo sound?


Unregistered guest
Hi all,
I've got some technical issues that I KNOW some of you experts can help me with.... right? hopefully?

I just upgraded my Dish hardware from 2 single receivers to one dual DVR unit that works for both TV's... the problem that I am having is that now that I do not have a receiver for the second TV, I have no place to hook up the audio (red and white) plugs so I can get sound through the stereo like I did before....

I hooked it up like this .... coax from wall to VCR, coax from VCR to TV. But when I hook up the audio plugs to the output jacks on the back of the TV I get no sound When I hook up the audio plugs to the output jacks at the back of the VCR, I get sound out of only 1 speaker, and only when the VCR power is on. Also I should tell you that my VCR only has a white and yellow jack on the back, no red... ?

My questions are... 1) should I just bypass the VCR and go straight to the TV and use the output jacks from the TV? or..
2) should I buy a VCR that actually has a red, white and yellow output jack? (do they make them like that??

Thanks for any and all help... and yes, I still have a VCR because I've got lots of good stuff stored on VCR tapes ... ie; Bucs Superbowl win and Lighning Stanley Cup games that I like to watch occassionally


Bob <')))><


Gold Member
Username: Samijubal

Post Number: 2305
Registered: Jul-04
If you are going to use the VCR to record, buy a HiFi VCR, the audio is far better than a mono VCR. If you aren't going to record on the VCR, connect the sat audio to the TV.

Unregistered guest
Thanks for the reply David. I would probably not need to use the VCR to record because now I have the DVR system... so would I connect the coax directly to the TV, then the RCA cables from the TV output to the stereo input?

Then use another RCA cable from the VCR output to the TV input for playing tapes??

Thanks again for your help.


Gold Member
Username: Samijubal

Post Number: 2312
Registered: Jul-04
Anything that has s-video or RCAs, use them instead if possible. Using coax and an RF input degrades picture quality. If the DVR has digital coax or TOSLink outputs and the receiver supports one or the other, use them, if not, use RCAs.
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