I have an 15 years old Sony 29inch TV. It worked fine a day ago when i turned it on, but now it doesn't work.
When I try to turn the TV on with the remote control, the TV starts to make a clicking/buzzing noise every 1.5 seconds around the area where the infarred light goes through, but the TV screen is off. If I hit the power button again on my remote controller to stop this noise, the TV doesn't turn off. I have to manuelly turn off the TV by hitting the power button on my TV. Also the power button light lights on and off (If you need a picture of this i can post on this thread)
I have zero knowledge on how TV's turn on, but my guess is that the infarred light signal in my TV doesn't work. Because this doesn't work, my TV doesn't turn on and makes those clicking/buzzing noises.
What I am trying to determine: Why my TV's not working? What do I need to fix it? Do I need professional help?