I tried installin a new bin on the fortec and it went black dead.. Do i have to do JTAG to it now? and how do i do that? can anyone give me a link to where i can find that information. Thnks in advanced.
umm it was sum bell autoroll 1.... and iv read sum previous posts, others had the same problem.. After it went 100% and complete the receiver went dead... pretty sure it needs JTAG.. just not sure how to do it. .. (any idea home much a satelite shop would charge 2 do it ) or can u send me that manual
LK Sorry to bud in but I have notced that you very knowlegable on this would you be able to help me get started I have a system and been trying to fix it my self but not successful I saw your instruction on here before but I have not been able to down load the Panstat FTA loader is there a trick to this could you please help me?
for an encore go to DSSTESTER.COOOOOOM OF COURSE THAT READS COM and you will find most of all your problems for free like utility files rar. cha.pgm. and the list goes on for downloading for almost every conceivable receiver on the market then download the tutorial manuels and you are on your own ,now we are really given LK a break good luck
for the fortec owner you should go to a site , were they have a forums that specificly cater to induvidual receivers and get your answers there I know of a few like DSSCOMMUNITY.cooooom com good luck
NOT here...try one of the 100x sites we recommend here daily!...LOOK and READ mario!
BTW...Fortec hasn't had a new bin in months...its a dying receiver!...now many sites don't even have a Fortec area...its now linked in with the "other " receivers..
Posted on
one of the last sites is ftacentral...enjoy while it lasts.
Turn your Fortec into a Pansat 2500. Do the resistor mod, pop a heat sink on your procesor, load the lated Pansat 2500 bin (271) and you'll have an autoroll on your fortec. But before you do all of this READ the thread about old and newer model fortecs!