i see there are alot of threads being made about disnet but i have a viewsat and everything is down. Is there anything to do to bring it up. If so what do i do.
here you go go back to factory default , do the following download loader 2 , download file V1045 and utility file opskey which is a hex file hook up a null modem cable to a serial port on your comp the loader will tell you if you have the right port , otherwise change it until you have , with your receiver of at the back hook up your cable , then run your loader place your file v1045 and your opskey file in the loader at the same time , Then place your finger on the back of the switch and simultaniously turn it on as you hit the pc to stb button on your loader , let it finish after it says download done watch your receiver it will first say install then end then 0000 leave it alone the utility file will now start to download to your receiver wait again untill your receiver says 0000 now turn the switch of at the rear of the receiver unplug the null modem cord and receiver hook it up to your dish and tv and configure your sats then run a channel scan on each and you should be watching tv . for anyone that has a viewsat copy this and keep it as I am not going to respond to this question anymore
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hi john be good. i am just wondering is there any files for viewsat vs2000 to get BEV chanels. Thanks in advance.