How do Idownload the code to Fortec Star Lifetime Ultra? PLEASE HELP!


Unregistered guest
How do I download the code to my box. I have a Fortec Star Ultra Box and I have the computer to box cable to connect it. Now the question is:

A) Which website can I go to to do this
B) Is there a program needed
C) How is this all done


Bronze Member
Username: Kosovari

Post Number: 20
Registered: Jan-06
Look around, dsscentral has most tools you need.

A) dsscentral . com
B) BL updater will do just fine
C) Get the latest bin for your box, (T270 bin for pansat) i think that will do, )) .. open connect the cables. turn your box on, open BL updater browse to your bin, click Write it. and wait till it says complete... . go to cas settings. and click on default key.. and then scan satelites ;)

good luck

Bronze Member
Username: Kosovari

Post Number: 21
Registered: Jan-06
ignore "open" before connect cables lol.
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