I have a question regarding DirectTv H10 receiver. Currently connected via component through Arcam receiver to my Panasonic overhead Projector. I want to get a 42" plasma for the bedroom. Can i run HDMI cable to the Plasma and watch HD programming on both projector and plasma at the same time? In other words will H10 output HD signal through both video outputs at the same time. Plasma and the Projector are both capable of all resolutions all the way to 1080i. I need to know that before i invest in HD plasma. Any help appreciated. Thanks.
Walter, I have a H10 also, and I have both HDMI and component to the same tv. I think you will be ok becouse, I do not have to switch or enable anything and I get video on both inputs.
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can any1 help. since you can't unmarry p4 card is there any way that you can miss with the reciver's mobo, or reprogram the eprom to use the id number on the card as it's own. thank you.