Does anyone know if motorola is coming out with a box that will display 1080p and also a box that has an HDMI connection? I know in the setting, the highest the box goes is 1080i and to my knowledge, their boxes do not have an HDMI connection. Just wondering if motorola will be making the proper adjustments.
Unregistered guest
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Since there is no programming being produced in 1080p I don't see Motorola, Pace or Scientific Atlanta changing the output resoultion of any of their boxes for the above reason as well as the following:
1) A new decoder chip and scaling circuitry would be required which would be quite expensive today. 2) There is no reason to scale to 1080p sice such a small number of displays acceptly 1080p as input. 3) Even when many people own a 1080p capable display it will do the scaling so no need exists.
Now for the HDMI cable, Motorola makes several STB's with an HDMI output. Now your specific cable company may either not order these boxes or order them without the HDMI configured.
Hey thanks Fx. As for the 1080p issue, if your input is 1080i, the tv with the 1080p will scale the picture from 1080i to 1080p on its own?
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I have a 61" panosoic HDTV that uses the cablecard. My cable company Comcast can not get it to work correctly. I get pixalation, sound drop outs etc. They have check the signals, run new lines,check and recheck and they think it is a problem with my tv. My neighbor has a sony same problems that I am having. His signal comes from a different direction than mine. Panosonic says it is a signal problem. I am letting Panosonic and Comcast debate the issue. In the mean time they have given me a explorer 3250 cable box and it picture quality is terrible. Does anyone have any Ideas as to what the real problem is? I am dealing with a manager and two supervisors with Comcast, as well as I have escalested this the Phila. and to the tech center in Colorado.
Unregistered guest
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"Hey thanks Fx. As for the 1080p issue, if your input is 1080i, the tv with the 1080p will scale the picture from 1080i to 1080p on its own?"
That is correct, it will scale all inputs to 1080p but keep in mind that the higher resolution input the better it will look to your eyes.