If I bring my dish network dish into another building and set up my receiver there, will dish network be able to find out? If they can how? How will dish network know if you have a descrambler?
If U subscribe to DN,they know U have a receiver, access card and roof dish..they do not know about anything else..If U move it, DN does NOT know..
Posted on
Thank you. For this info. How do they know when you have a descrambling card cause my friend got one and got caught in 2 days. Is there any place where I can buy a DN satellite dish.
U speak with forked tongue...no U must make your own dish...police sit on roof tops with binoculars waiting for people to hack dishnet...they also monitor all DSS sites and bust people who buy dishes..now move on junior..play B ball for a hobby..
Posted on
Hey, im kinda new to this so I was wondering If I buy a AT 120 with 4 receiver and buy a separate dish and put it in another building with one of the receiver, will this work? Is there a way for them to find out if I do this?
"no U must make your own dish...police sit on roof tops with binoculars waiting for people to hack dishnet..." these is the BEST ,it so funny when you imagine it. Thanks LK you got me out from depression.