crosshatch Unregistered guest | You poor poor people. Actually RCA is one of the easiest televisions to fix. The problems can usually be fixed quite easily. Pictures going black w/audio can be fixed in less time than it takes to pull the back of the unit, popping noises 10 minutes longer. Big screen units can cost you from $15 to $75 to repair yourself. Of course you need to know where and what, but you would rather complain instead of researching. I now own a shop and make $500-$1500 a week thanks to people like you. Have a nice day. |
pita Unregistered guest | We have a RCA model F27442 and it went blank on us. We can't find the owners manual. Does anyone know where we can download a free copy? Thanks. |
bluerabbit Unregistered guest | well crosshatch ... you obviously found this site for a reason. i dont think you would have any use for this site if you knew half of what you say. instead of being a Pr!ck .. why dont you answer some peoples questions if you think you know what you're talking about. just a suggestion |
Unregistered guest | RCA home theatre - 60+ inches. 3 yrs old. screen suddenly stared going blank for a second with pop niose, but not a complete power down, also occasional static line going across the screen, and sometimes a curved distortion of picture. This will correct itself sometimes?? Called tech support, did the hard re-boot, added pricey surge protector, and dusted interior - no change Can anyone help with advise other than destruction methods, thanks |
Stupinacker.... Unregistered guest | Hey, I have a 1994 RCA TV, and am trying to hook a Magnavox DVD player to it, can any one help? |
Stendall Unregistered guest | If your 1994 RCA does not have video inputs then buy a rf modulator at walmart for 10 bucks. Plug your dvd cables into the modulator then the regular tv cable from modulator to the tv. |
Silver Member Username: VideoguyPost Number: 117 Registered: Apr-05 | Hay Stupinacker.... Here's what you need: |
Unregistered guest | RCA 27" Tru Flat: 27F530T Xbox connected via monster Component video. Xbox located to right on shelf about 12 inches from right edge of tv. When playing games, text on screen, scores etc, is blurry. Almost as if the refresh rate of the tv is slow. I tried bumping the sharpness up to 100 to no avail. The only thing that seems to help some is using the tv's "Bright" picture mode. Suggestions: |
Silver Member Username: VideoguyPost Number: 119 Registered: Apr-05 | Try turning the contrast down. TVs nowadays usually come from the factory with the contrast at max in an attempt make the picture look as bright as possible, but it's usually above what the picture tube can handle and causes the picture to bloom or look fuzzy |
Anonymous | I bought a RCA 27" model# 1616332A TV 7 months ago at Wal-mart. I hardly watched it. Then one day it was on for about 20 minutes and turned off by itself. Then it continued making a clicking noises. The 90-warranty is up, and I don't know if it's worth fixing. |
Unregistered guest | Steven, thanks for the post on the Contrast adjustment. I'll try that. Like I said, going from Personal, with me messing with it, to the factory Bright settings, helped somewhat. I'll try brining contrast down some. |
snoopypup Unregistered guest | I have a 27" RCA regular screen TV (yr.2000) and have had it go on me a few times. Luckily, I have a buddy. First the Horizontal filter went and the picture snapped into a vertical line before it went blank and started buzzing. Now it's in the shop again as the Vertical filter went and a horizontal line appeared and then the buzzing. The picture literally shrank into one axis or the other. Buddy says that 2000 was a VERY problematic year for the 27" RCA as they were trying several new design changes at the same time, and they actually went back to original ideas the next year (making the 2000 model very hard to buy parts for). My recommendation is to a) NOT buy one or b) attempt to fix yourself. I was over there this last time and it was dead simple to fix (soldering pencil+schematic), but the parts are a pain to get. Good luck! |
Unregistered guest | I have a 27" RCA TV with guide plus. The TV works but after 5 years the sound just went out in it. The picture is fine and the everything else works. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do or what I would need to rplace the part. |
New member Username: ErnestePost Number: 4 Registered: Aug-05 | Big Big problem, i have an RCA television about 24" TV. i always use the TV without the GUIDE been set up on the television, ideciced to set up the TV guide on the Television note welll that i am living in the Caribbean island of Antigua. i began setting up the Guide on the RCA television when i went through the setup i realized that the Television only came with to seting for people in the USA and people in Canada. i still went along with the setting, when i reach at the setting that has zip code i place in 00000 since Antigua does not have zip codes. THE CABLE BOX IN ANTIGUA WASNT NOT LISTED ON THE tv Guide setup so i also selected not listed (001). after completing the entire TV guide setup the RCA television does not work any more i cant see any channel on the televison. i need the zip codes from the TV guide setup to be remove and go baack to what it was 1st and i cant delete it without placing another Zip code. i need some help please |
PattyRaye Unregistered guest | I have an old RCA TV (1983) Model# FGR468WR. I'm having trouble setting cable channels above 13. I've consulted my cable company, but they referred me to RCA--no answer so far. Help me. |
Unregistered guest | I have a 27F530T RCA TruFlat 27", nary a year old. A few months ago, we started having problems with the picture getting wobbly...It kind of shrinks and expands constantly. Get sick to your stomach watching it. Any ideas what might cause this? |
Anonymous | HI guys, I have an RCA TV Model MR27315. I need a fly back transformer or a chassis board. Anyone can help with info on where to get one? Flyback is CTC203AX. |
Anonymous | Hey a got a 30-somethin inch rca i was watchin tv one day and it just turned off no power or anything now can anyone please help? |
Anonymous | Your voltage regulator is gone.. |
Anonymous | what exactly is a voltage regulator? where can i get one? how much do they cost? thanks |
Unregistered guest | i have a 1988 rca colortrak 25 inch console model #G26251TN,,,which does not seem exist as far as i can see,,,anyways picture is black and i opened it up and there is a clicking sound from a small say 2inch x 2inch metal box that has 2 buttons 1 saying screen other says focus ..any idea what this is seeing i cant find the model number on any websites to find a schematic for it |
josey Unregistered guest | I have a 32" RCA. Recently the set has begun losing picture - starts rolling - when changing channels. Sometimes it doesn't lose picture - just color. If I turn the set off for about 10 minutes it seems to reset. After it has been on for awhile, it will happen again. Any ideas? |
Unregistered guest | is there anyway to use an rca tv(27")without the remote? i need to access the INPUT so i can use my dvd player and access the front plugs for video games. right now i am stuck with tv and vcr modes only. |
stevieray Unregistered guest | got my answer from this forum. thanks guys and gals. |
RandyM Unregistered guest | Josey, sounds like an intermittent problem (solder maybe) which should be simple for an authorized tech to track down and repair. If I'm right, it shouldn't cost you a lot for the repair either. Josh45, that clicking sound is high voltage going to ground. Don't mess with high voltage or you could get a serious shock. Unfortunately, you likely have a shorted picture tube, which means the set isn't worth repair. But have an authorized tech look at it to be sure. . . I could be wrong and it might be something else. |
MichaelL Unregistered guest | I have a RCA ColorTrak Plus tv and I (too) have lost my manual to tell me how to work my PIP. Can someone tell me what the procedures (steps) there are to get this to work? |
Gaby Unregistered guest | Hi All, I bought a 27 inch RCA in January 2005 it worked fine until 3 weeks ago I started getting rainbow line green, red and yellow with an awful sound like when you hit a low signal chanel. Before I take it to the shop, please let me know if there is something I can do to get it working again. This is my only TV. Thanks Gby |
RandyM Unregistered guest | MIchaelL, most models only have one tuner. Assuming your model has only one tuner, you need to hook up a VCR to use as a second tuner. Then hit PIP on your remote and the input button until you find the VCR in the PIP window and tune the channel you want. There's usually a channel control button, to change control to the main tv tuner, if you want to change the main pix channel. Gaby, this probably needs a trip to the shop, but it sounds like a degauss circuit problem that should be easy for a good tech to fix. |
Unregistered guest | Hi, I recently bought a 1991 RCA Console colortrak. I've tried every possible connections to hook a VCR/DVD player to it with no luck. It is a Model G29391WK RCA Color Trak, Help! |
RandyM Unregistered guest | Rob, I can't find any feature info on this model. . .I think you mean G27391. Does it have a composite input on the back? This would be a yellow RCA jack for video and one or two jacks for audio. If not, you might have to use RF out of the VCR on ch. 3 or 4. |
Unregistered guest | have rca tv bought on clearence has fpa lock on. How do I unlock it? |
RandyM Unregistered guest | Carla, normally, you would go into the Parental Controls menu and turn off the FPA lock. But I'm guessing that someone may have entered a password when they locked the FPA, which means you can't get into the Parental Controls menu. On some new models, you can press "Menu" on the FPA and "Vol -" on the remote simultaneously for 3 seconds to clear the password. If that doesn't work, you might need to write down your model number and call customer service for help. |
Unregistered guest | I have an RCA 27' and I can't find what channel I need to have it on to play a DVD . I tried channel 3 , 4 , & 00 . None of them work , and I don't have the original remote , so I can't change it to video |
RandyM Unregistered guest | Allen, I think you solved your own problem. . . your DVD player is connected to the composite or component input of the TV, so you need a remote with an "input" button to select the DVD video. Wal-Mart and Target have inexpensive universal remotes that will work. To make this easy, look for an RCA universal remote, because other brands might need to be configured to send out RCA codes and the RCA remote should be ready to go. |
roesch Unregistered guest | 36" RCA, five years old, TV turns itself on and off for no reason. Will work fine for awhile and then starts with the on-off for awhile. any ideas would be appreciated. |
RandyM Unregistered guest | Roesch, does your set have Guide Plus? Have you ever used the sleep timer or wake up timer and forgotten to clear them? |
Peas Unregistered guest | roesch, Try an Excorcist, it appears you have a possessed television. Peas |
Unregistered guest | Did you find where to buy a voltage regulator? Posted on Tuesday, October 11, 2005 - 02:47 am: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- what exactly is a voltage regulator? where can i get one? how much do they cost? thanks |
Unregistered guest | We took apart our TV and the capacitor was just laying there? Any ideas? |
Anonymous | Three months ago, I had the flyback transformer replaced and a power supply rebuild kit was put on my RCA 32" TV. Now the sound is gone unless I want to get up and unplug it at random to get the sound to come on for whatever length of time. Help! I think I was "taken" on the repair back in July. |
Unregistered guest | I moved into a house and previous renter left a Sony Trinitron KV-2783R Console TV. Its old but im not sure how old it is. It is in good shape and works but will only go up to channel 61. How do you add more channels or program it to recieve more. I dont find a menu button and I normally recieve 80 channels on my regular TV |
Unregistered guest | About the Sony Trinitron I figured out how to delete a channel but I cant figure out how to add a channel. Im getting 4-8 then jumps from 8-19 then to 25 and skips one here and there. Is there a way to do a channel search to reprogram and get all my channels. Oh yeah can you buy a remote for this TV also the one that goes with it the 0 or 9 does not work but it did the first day I tried to mess with it |
Pissed off Unregistered guest | I purchased a 27" RCA truflat model 27F520T at Wal-Mart. After 4 months it turned itself on in the middle of the night, with volume wide open. Remote would not work at all. Buttons on front would turn TV on and off, except for the power would not do anything. Push the channel or volume up or down button and it would turn TV off and on. RCA was no help as warranty covers parts AND labor ONLY 90 days, then parts only. Cost more than worth to fix. SIMPLE SOLUTION TO ALL TV PURCHASERS......DON'T BUY JUNK - - - LIKE RCA...I WILL NOT PURCHASE ANYTHING WITH RCA WRITTEN ON IT. RCA IS JUNK |
Bronze Member Username: ReinhartPost Number: 86 Registered: Nov-05 | Mr. Jim Beverlin: This hyperlink leads to a picture and model number of the remote that was originally supplied with the television that you have: A good source for a replacement would be here: Hope this helps. - Reinhart |
Movie time! Unregistered guest | Thank you so much RCA Man! My RCA tv remote fell off of my couch for the last time a few weeks ago (it died) and I bought a universal remote (also made by RCA) with the TV/VCR button. I purposely looked for a remote with this function, but unfortunately I was not able to watch DVDs since it would not switch over to the correct channel. I was just about to send away for the replacement remote when I found this website. Thanks again! Allison |
Unregistered guest | We have a 15-year olf RCA 13" that has not model number on it. We need a flyback transformer. Can't find it, so we're going for the entire chassis board model number DUNTK4557DE. Can anyone direct me to the right place where i possibly can get this chassis? Thanks in advance. |
Anonymous | I'm having problems hooking up my dvd player to my RCA color trak plus T.V. I have a s video connection plus the regular connectors. The T.V. has inputs for both, but when I plug in, there is no picture. What do I need to do to play DVD's on this T.V.? |
Silver Member Username: ReinhartPost Number: 123 Registered: Nov-05 | "We have a 15-year olf RCA 13" that has not model number on it. We need a flyback transformer. Can't find it, so we're going for the entire chassis board model number DUNTK4557DE. Can anyone direct me to the right place where i possibly can get this chassis? Thanks in advance." What is the CTC number of the chassis? - Reinhart |
Silver Member Username: ReinhartPost Number: 124 Registered: Nov-05 | "I'm having problems hooking up my dvd player to my RCA color trak plus T.V. I have a s video connection plus the regular connectors. The T.V. has inputs for both, but when I plug in, there is no picture. What do I need to do to play DVD's on this T.V.?" Does your set have two video input modes or just one with the composite and s-video being shared for that one input? In the case of a single input television, make sure the s-video cable is good and that you are using ONLY the s-video cable for the video. Disconnect the yellow composite video cable if that's connected at the same time. - Reinhart |
Unregistered guest | Help please! I have a 2000 27" RCA and the "SAP" is stuck on and I cannot get sound on any channel over 13 or on 5. I have cable and everything seems to be set right. I also have "narration" on sometimes. My son gave us the set and the parental controls are on and noone can remember the password. Can it be reset? Thanks anyone! |
Unregistered guest | I too have a notorious 27" RVA 27442 that was given to me by a friend after it died on him. When you plug it in, you can hear a faint high pitched noise from the back that oscillates on and off. It smells a little like burned insulation or laminate, and the power swith doesn't turn on audio or video. Any ideas? I used to repair electronics (both tube and solid state) when I was going to school, so I know my way around a meter, soldering iron and circuit boards. Any help is greatly appreciated, reply here on the forum or via email.... |
jrboston Unregistered guest | Anyone knows about the cause of a common problem in the RCA's F38310: can't turn it on, fuses are OK, light on the ON button on the front of the TV console is on, humming noise from a small fan inside but no sound, no picture, just dead. The person who gave it to me says problem was likely caused by a power surge. I got it for free, would like to know if this an easy, inexpensive repair. Thanks |
Unregistered guest | I have a RCA 36" tv. When i turned it on it went black and makes a loud buzzing noise .I tried turning it off but it does it as soon as you turn it on. |
Mid Unregistered guest | I have 36"RCA TV, model #F36715...bought new in 2002. Have these hooked up.. Surround sound 3 speakers,DVD player, VCR player,Satellite dish. I want to hook up a karaoke machine that has a camera on it.The lyrics or the singers picture can be displayed on the screen.There are ports on the left front side behind a small door for video or audio jacks.Can these be used for the karaoke? If not, where can I hook up this new playtoy? |
Unregistered guest | I have a 1997 46" rca rear projection tv and it went dead and it makes a chirping sound when plugged back in but will not power up just chirp is it the transformer or what please help. |
StephanieAuer Unregistered guest | I too have a notorious 27" RVA 27442 .When you plug it in, you can hear a faint high pitched noise from the back , when i turn power on it doesnt want to turn on, help please |
RandyM Unregistered guest | High pitched chirping is usually a sign of a dead short on the power supply. Could be a tube failure or a problem in the power supply itself. Both of these need a trip to an authorized service tech. |
Unregistered guest | I have a 19" RCA Colortrac 2000, model F20683DW from many years ago. I rarely use it, and it works fine so I have decided to use it in my exercise room to play exercise DVDs. It has 2 component video inputs, but I can't figure out how to get the TV to recognize them. I have the original remote, but no manual. Does anyone have any ideas? |
RandyM Unregistered guest | There should be an input button on the remote to step through the various inputs. Older sets had inputs on ch. 91, 92, 93, etc. Are you sure that the inputs are component? If the set is "many years" old, I would think that the inputs are composite rather than component. |
bikefan60 Unregistered guest | RandyM - Thanks for the info. It must be one of the 'Older' sets, because the DVD player is in fact on channel 91. Thanks for the help. |
BrittanyRadcliffe Unregistered guest | I have an RCA console (I believe it's the victorola), that sometimes turns on and sometimes doesn't. It hasn't turned on for days and I was wondering if I could do anything to fix it or just get a new one? |
static Unregistered guest | I have an RCA Colortrac (FMR722ER) from 1986, and it no longer turns on. When I turn the power button on, it clicks and the red and green power lights flash on, then off, then on again...if I don't touch anything, it will do this action continually. I can just hit the button again to stop the clicking/flashing from occuring, but the screen never turns on at all. I opened up the back, and cleared the dust out, but that didn't seem to help at all. Is there an easy solution? |
New member Username: Just_a_clownPost Number: 1 Registered: Nov-05 | Please help! My 27" RCA CTC197Ak2 chirps when power is on and nothing else happens, no sound, picture,etc. Any thoughts? I know absolutely nothing about this set...found it sitting by a dumpster. Thanks. |
Anonymous | My brother-in-law has an RCA model number P52923. the tv turns on and off you get picture and sound. however you cannot change the channels using the down arrow nor can you change the volume with either arrow. What part would he need to replace. The remote won't work either even though the remote does work for another tv. |
Tony Helm Unregistered guest | I have a 2-year old RCA 27" standard tv and we have just started to notice that the sound is showing a wow and flutter that is just not normal. Any ideas? Is this a speaker issue or something else? Thanks. |
Adamsgirl Unregistered guest | Hi, I have a one year old RCA TV/DVD true flat 20" and, unfortunatley, my kids knocked it over the other day and now the sound does not work, everything else works just great and I even tried to plug in a surround sound system into the audio output to see if I could get sound through that system but nothing works! Am I just out of luck or is there something else I can try other than buying something that is not a RCA? |
Adamsgirl Unregistered guest | Hi, I have a one year old RCA TV/DVD true flat 20" and, unfortunatley, my kids knocked it over the other day and now the sound does not work, everything else works just great and I even tried to plug in a surround sound system into the audio output to see if I could get sound through that system but nothing works! Am I just out of luck or is there something else I can try other than buying something that is not a RCA? |
Ralph77 Unregistered guest | Maybe try buying something that the kids can't knock over. |
Unregistered guest | We have a 2 year old RCA 32" Color Trak Plus and we can only get channels 51 and up we can't receive the lower channels. Can you help us. |
New member Username: JoeyregoPost Number: 2 Registered: Dec-05 | I have a GE 27gt271 tv that was given to me. Everything seems to work fine until... Channels 2-6 are snowy. I can see the picture in the background but its like it is layered with snow. Also when I go to channels above 51 or so they all seem to be stuck on the same channel. I hooked the cable up to my other tv and 51 and above are working correctly and are definately not the same channel. Can someone help me in solving my problems? thanks |
Unregistered guest | I just found this site tonignt Dec.10/05 and it is a good site and I want to take this time to give a "thumbs up" to bluerabbit in his post to crosshatch, I could not believe my eyes to read what crosshatch said, I mean "how mean" to your fellow man, I had my tv go on me last night and it is about three years old and I am loss without it and have no one to fix it for me and due to a broken back fixed together I am not able to try and move the tv but to think that crosshatch could give a few hints to save people some money and to perhaps bring some joy to someone and he only cares to say "you poor poor people" and to say how much money he is making. Gosh, if I knew something to help anyone I would, I know someone like you crosshatch and he is just a braggart and dreamer and not at all well liked, if the shoe fits then you know what they say. |
Unregistered guest | HELP: I hav a 27" 1998 ge sx model # 276t616 when i turn it on all it does is click. please help beckie |
Unregistered guest | I have a RCA modle#27r410t made in 4-04. Could you please inform me about this situation, the tv when connected to power outlet makes a clicking sound at the controls when pressing them but will not come on |
Unregistered guest | RCA model p46720ba prjection tv, won't power up, owned since 97, Great tv till now. How do i repair. Thanks and Merry Christmas To all! |
New member Username: EnfiladeSummerside, PEI Canada Post Number: 1 Registered: Dec-05 | Hi, I currently own a 35 inch RCA F35731MB Television, manufactured in 1994. Given by a relative of mine. Anyway, my problem is, I can't get the S-Video to work. I tried plugging all kinds of different devices into the S-Video input, using different S-Video cords, couple are high-quality gold plated, one is just regular, but I still recieve nothing on my television. Regular Composite works fine, but whenever I plug the Regular Composite, it shows up on both channel 90 and 91 (90 being s-video channel, 91 is input 1), obviously this is not correct. Anyone resolve this problem? Can it be fixed easily? Help would be appreciated, thank you very much. Feel free to E-Mail me on this problem, and once again, thank you. |
Unregistered guest | Hi, I have just bought a used 27" RCA TV. It says "Colortrak 2000" on it, but I am not sure about the model. My problems are: 1) The cable is plugged into the TV, but the TV won't show channels 1,2,3,4,5 and 6. It shows most channels after 6 properly. I played with it for 2 hours the other day, and was finally able to view the channels 2,3,4,5 and 6. But now, when I turn on the TV, they still don't show up. 2) On channels 24 and 25, when I press the "Setup" button on the TV several times to go to "Cable / Air" and change the setting from "Cable" to "Air", I can view these channels. But I have to do this everytime to view them. It is tideous. 3) When I press the Volume "+" key in the "Setup" menu to Autoprogram, it goes thru channels 1,14 and 15. Then it goes back to channel 1 (skipping all the channels in between) and doesn't Autoprogram at all. |
mckgardner Unregistered guest | I have one of the notorious 27" RCA colortrak tv's. My input button changes the TV to 03, but the DVD won't play. I cannot access 00, 90, 91, 92 or anything higher than 69 or lower than 02. It just bounces me back to 03. I tried programming in those stations from the menu. No luck. Anyone have any ideas for me? |
RandyM Unregistered guest | How is your DVD hooked up to the tv. . . composite or component? Is there an "input" button on the remote? How old is this tv? Right now the tv thinks a VCR is hooked up. That's why it tries to go to ch. 3, which is a common RF channel for VCRs. Your tv is in air mode, which is why you can't tune any channels above 69. Ch. 90, 91, and 93 stopped being used for inputs about 10 years ago. Instead, newer tvs use the input button to set through the various possibilities. |
mckgardner Unregistered guest | The TV is 10-12 years old. I'm not sure if it's composite or component. I'm using the yellow video cable and the red and white audio. The VCR is still hooked up, as well, but I've always played vhs videos on channel 04. Thanks for responding so quickly - I'm trying to get this to work for Christmas!! Help! |
mckgardner Unregistered guest | The TV is 10-12 years old. I'm not sure if it's composite or component. I'm using the yellow video cable and the red and white audio. The VCR is still hooked up, as well, but I've always played vhs videos on channel 04. Thanks for responding so quickly - I'm trying to get this to work for Christmas!! Help! |
mckgardner Unregistered guest | Oh, and yes - I have an input button on my remote. I have the original remote. And the input button chooses 03, but the screen remains a snowy version of my local channel 3. We do not have cable or sattelite - just rabbit ears that are hooked up via the VCR. |
RandyM Unregistered guest | Keep pressing the input button and tell me what happens. Does it just stay on ch. 3 or does it go to Aux, or Comp, or something like that? |
mckgardner Unregistered guest | It stays on ch. 3 no matter how many times I press it. And now I've tried disconnecting everything but the dvd player and that didn't work and I've tried routing the dvd player through the vcr and that didn't work. I tried that with the vcr programmed to both ch. 3 and ch. 4. |
RandyM Unregistered guest | Ok, is there anything in the menus to set-up the aux input? You might also go to ch. 3 and then press channel down a couple of times and see if Aux is in the channel list. I know that you don't want to run it through your VCR, because the quality would be very poor. |
mckgardner Unregistered guest | No, there is nothing like that. No aux input on the menu, no aux when I channel down. And I know that it's not the dvd player because this is my second one (I sent the first one back thinking it might have been a defective player). |
mckgardner Unregistered guest | on some posts they talk about an RF modulator. What is this? Would it help? |
aznguy Unregistered guest | i have an RCA color trak plus(aka piece of crap) i dont know what year it is and i still though would rather get help from someone than buy a new one...the problem?...the problem is it wont turn on and when it comes on the buttons dont i cant shut it off...oh and i accidentally got the button jammed somewhere inside it haha.....but that was way after the problem started.... |
aznguy Unregistered guest | i have an RCA color trak plus(aka piece of crap) i dont know what year it is and i still though would rather get help from someone than buy a new one...the problem?...the problem is it wont turn on and when it comes on the buttons dont i cant shut it off...oh and i accidentally got the button jammed somewhere inside it haha.....but that was way after the problem started.... |
givehelpgetfood Unregistered guest | I'm having problems with our RCA HDTV set. No idea what model cuz we lost the manual. The tv just doesn't have sound. it worked the night before and then this morning it just like it's on mute and it's not on mute ![]() |
RandyM Unregistered guest | Try unplugging it for a few minutes to reset the control system. This can fix a lot of weird problems. |
Unregistered guest | This seems like the place to complain about RCA. I have a 27f520t that, suddenly started doing a channel search in the middle of the night. And that is all it's doing. No matter what button I press on the front, it just starts from channel 1 and channel searches again. It only stops from time to time. I try turning it off and it will not.. if I unplug it then back in again, it just starts channel surfing again. Any suggestions? |
Unregistered guest | This seems like the place to complain about RCA. I have a 27f520t that, suddenly started doing a channel search in the middle of the night. And that is all it's doing. No matter what button I press on the front, it just starts from channel 1 and channel searches again. It only stops from time to time. I try turning it off and it will not.. if I unplug it then back in again, it just starts channel surfing again. Any suggestions? |
needmytv Unregistered guest | 3 days ago I could not turn on my old RCA (late 80's vintage), so I wiggled the power cord, hit the reset button several times on the power strip, and it eventually came on, probably more a coincidence than anything. Today it again would not power up and I can't get it to come on. We can't find the book, maybe never had it as I inherited the TV. Reading previous posts, I was wondering if it could be the power transformer and if that is the same thing as a high voltage transformer. How expensive is this to fix? The TV has never given us any problem before. |
Unregistered guest | This Question is for RandyM, seems to be able to answer many questions:, or anyone else who could help: I have a RCA Home Theater Projection Mo:P46721LV, Service No.:645391473 SN:P46721LVLG1, Chasis # PTK169PFA, Powers on and off stays off where would be the logical point to start troubleshooting. Whould this be the B+ Regulator standby or over current shutdown or another point that may help the start of this troubleshooting process> |
RandyM Unregistered guest | Given the age (9 years old) of this set, it could be just about anything. I would start looking at the over current shutdown circuitry. Reg B+ is likely ok in standby or the set wouldn't even come on. You should check Reg B+ when it tries to come on to see if it goes very high or very low; this could point to a shorted tube or part somewhere else in the chassis. |
ineedhelp411 Unregistered guest | HELP!!!! I accidently plugged my DVD player into the wrong plug and now we have perfect audio but our screen is just black. I REALLY NEED HELP. Please post answer thanks |
needmytv Unregistered guest | RandyM, do you have any ideas on my post yesteray? Would appreciate any suggestions before I have to buy a new TV. Thanks! |