After all colors are messed up, the green color could not be adjusted in both menu mode and service mode. I followed the instructions and replaced the two STK392-110 ICs. The green color could be adjusted after the IC replacement. Unfortunately I forgot to write down all the original settings. I could hardly make the TV work again.
But there are other problems. After setting the DAC MUTE=1, the green does not position in the middle of the screen. When the piciture fits the screen frame (wiht pincushion), the center of the green is about one and a half inches at the right of the center of screen frame and the center of the red is in the center of the screen frame instead and the blue is at another one and half inches at right from green (about 3 inches at right from screen center).
After using HPOS to move the green center to screen center, the picture in screen left is larger than the picture in screen right. IOW, the piture is not balanced between left and right. The piture in left is larger than the picture in right. When picture in left fits the screen, the picture in right is inches smaller than the screen.
From the service manual, the distance amoung red/green/blue is normal. I don't know if this was the case before the two ICs replacement. Did I do anything wrong? Is centering magnets adjustment is the only way to fix this? But I don't remember I have made any magent changes.
Here is another question, when setting all DAC COARSE and DAC FINE to zero, shouldn't it be the same as set DAC MUTE=1 because it means no digital adjustment?
In the service manual, it mentions the NTSC monoscope pattern and crosshatch pattern. How can I make them myself by burning them on a CD/DVD? Or where Can I get them?