Had my 61in sammy for about 2 years. First 11 months the color wheel made noise, they replaced w/new type. A little more than a year later the color wheel is broken again. This time I was watching tv the other night and I heard a loud noise and then the chainsaw noise. At first I thought it was the bearings again. But when I looked closer half the color wheel segments are gone and broke into small pieces inside. I ordered a new one and I'm waiting for it, but what in the hell could have caused it to break apart?
Called samsung and spoke with exec team, but would not service out of warranty. I tried to argue that this was the replacement part and it should have a 1 year warranty from that point.Of course I didn't tell them I had taken it apart yet, just said I pulled the lamp and saw the color wheel. No help from samsung.
Also called the service co that replaced it for samsung the first time to see if they would sell me the part. The guy refused to sell it, because he said too much liablity. He made it sound like you had to have a masters from MIT to replace. I understand the complexity of the light tunnel and engine, but the color wheel is easily replaceable. Unless any pieces went inside the light tunnel, the new wheel should work.