I Jtagged.. now it doesnt start


Comrade Saturang
Unregistered guest
Hi peeps,
last bin I loaded was Al7bar FTA Ultra_112005_284t3_12H_clock_api(NTSC) and on dec 5th or so my fortec ultra Nov/04 just went dead. when restarted got the night rider treatment. so I jaytagged and followed all the instruction in Blackdeath J-tag kit and all. then flashed with original bin .. now when the coaxial cable is connected to the receiver it will not boot up...get the night rider flashin 888 and then it turns off. if I unplug the coaxial in the back it comes up fine.. I unhooked the diseq from the coaxial and just plugged in the wire in receiver and it goes dead again... Any ideas?????

P.s. the Jtagged bin was fortec-ultra-jtag-09-28-04

Unregistered guest
comrade mine went dead 3 days ago, i need to know where to buy the jtag kit and where to download the blackdeath kit. Im not getting any knight rider lights, theres no power at all.

Comrade Saturang
Unregistered guest
I bought some resistors from radio shack and a serial port and a printer cable and downloaded software from http://www.dsscentral .net

Comrade Saturang
Unregistered guest
I resolved issue.. had a problem with grounding... the coaxial cable was exposed and touching things at certain part of it outside.. I got all channels workin now :-)
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