And these boxes have no Jtag header where it is more hastle and costs more to solder one on to fix, if they can Jtag, (I stress if because many have troubles JTaging even after several attempts!! Not one gurantees repair but you still have pay to try, what a rip)
what a scam these killer bin codes are!
who the heck invented them, and why!
creates too many headaches for too many people!
Posted on
it's not like you were doing anything legal were you?
Posted on
instead of complaining... subscribe Mr Chan... Otherwise, whatever time or money you invest in this process is at your own risk... and theres nothing you can do when things go wrong.
Mr. Chan
Unregistered guest
Posted on
how racist os you, I speak English well, thankyou.
the other guy posting here, he is legal all the ay is he?
what you bash the victims to support the vandal. You are bith crazy and dumber than a bag of hammers.
@ U told the fvcking GOOK good Thilly-boy.... Why don't U tell him how U missed shoot his fvcking chink azz father in the last war.... mother-fvcker...There is only one thing worse than a Yellow back chicken sh*it and that a chink fvcking gook-e........ROTF
Unregistered guest
Posted on
"There is only one thing worse than a Yellow back chicken sh*it"
a Canadian nigg_r...
you just registered to ride on his dick stupid canadian faggott. I don't like chinks either now you wanna ride on my kock? muther fuker enjoy
Posted on
Mr Chan... again... you have no legal or physical evidence to support any attacks against any known or unknown code breaker / designer nor you understand the meaning of "own risk" or know what DSS TESTER means... and thats why I asked if you spoke English... racism has nothing to do with fully understanding English pal.. get a grip and quit posting this type of thread... it won't stop people from trying these files... won't stop anyone from attempting to write code... So you lose right before you think you can win. As a friend lawyer would say... "there's no case here".
If your ird is busted, is your fault, YOU used a code that came with no warranties and no company back up. So there. You should take this as a lesson and learn from your mistakes... next time, enter your keys yourself.
To the others reading this, sorry, Enjoy TV!
Mr. Chan
Unregistered guest
Posted on
I am not trying to get people to stop using code, why you put words in my mouth. I am only warning of possible problems.
As for another one writing malicious code whether for viruses or this you should find it is illegal, more than hacking. Now it enters criminal intent to damage personal property clauses.
Why you say to learn from my mistakes is insult when I not wrote that mallicious code.
Who are the other two rude retarded children, they sound like highschool drop out losers kids and future criminals.
Shame so many stupid people here.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Yeah, they are inbred hillbillies having intercourze with their daddy BL. Code kill azz lickers, all of 'em.
listen you fcuking's your own fault you fcukked your machine...BL didn't twist your arm to put his bin on, you put it on STFU and quit whining like a little gook boy...if you would of bought an original wouldn't have this problem...right yellow face?..ROTF
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Hey Thill or Imposter,
If you don't have anything positive say, then don't say anything at all. Just keep your mouth shut azzhole. Your not the only one that knows everything around here fu*k face. I'm sure at one point you where a dumb fu*k that didnt know shi*t.. So, just shut the fu*k up already loser..
FTA Tester
Unregistered guest
Posted on
This site is to help people, not to insult people. Stop posting many of your stupid commemts on this site. And get a life you fake thill. What a low life with nothing to do but to bash people.
Posted on
Mr. Chan the most stupid person here is you who thinks you're in the right to complain and bash BL for writting a 3rd party firmware that you so far have been using until your box got busted. Warn other people? Are you the underground super heroe? You talk too much and is people like that blows it for everyone else. Because you think you are the "customer" with the "consumer right" to report a problem... except that you are not paying for anything and still wants perfect "program"... this is as stupid as calling Microsoft because your illegal copy of windows XP doesn't allow you to update your computer. GET IT? If you feel that you deserve no less then perfect product and service, please do us all a favor, sell your box, call DN and subscribe like a good boy that you are. I guarantee you will be able to complain to them if your receiver gets busted!
I rest my case.
Watch it Mr Chan - you talk too much for a signal theif.
Mr Chan is a Moron
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Hey Mr. Chan why won't you call the F *C*C or file a police report stating that the 3rd party software you used to steal signal from DN busted your receiver? LOL