Research indicates that the problem with large screen TVs is very widespread. Set just shuts off. Problem usually occurs after only four years of use. Problem is a tube leaking on the circuit board and the part is no longer available. Mitsubishi recognized they had a problem and have been giving customers a credit of $800 toward the purchase of a new one. NOW they only offered me a $500 credit. When I complained they said the part is suddenly available and I could take the $500 or pay for the repair myself. I accepted the credit under "duress". This morning my TV repair man called saying that he was contacted by Mitsubishi and advised to trash the TV and the part was no longer available. Mitsubishi flat out lied to me!!!! I suggest everyone affected file a complaint with the FTC as I just did. FTC needs to establish a pattern (and they clearly have one here) in order to take action against Mitsubishi. It only took about 15 minutes to file the complaint. Rules of the board prohibit posting telephone numbers. Contact me via e-mail and I will provide you with the toll free telephone number. Thanks