I got a April build that I bought in end of July and I went into the service menu and my settings were as follows. Red=101,Green=128,Blue=107.
The service manual shows them as default around 132 respectively. Is it possible for jvc to have them set at my above settings out of the box or is it possible that my set was used by somone else and changed the settings. I did notice that my set was extremely dusty when they deliverd it. I got it at Video Only. I want to know if I got a used set. It just seems as though my settings out of the box are way off compared to what they should be. Does anyone else with this set know what their initial out of the box settings were?
Every set will have different values from the factory. They quickly adjust them before they ship them out to look good in the store. My set (HD52z585) had R-126, B-128, Green 122. The HD61zd575 here at my work had R-128, B-116, G-135. The floor model at Fry's, Video Only and Best Buy also have different values. I've seen everything from 98 on up to 140. I wouldn't worry about it as long as the picture looks good.
Thanks for the heads up Lynch. I was wondering about getting the drive settings optimal without paying $400 for a guy to come to my house. What is the easiest way to get gray scale accurate?
I have avia and DVE, but I don't have a gray scale card or what ever it is you would compare it too. I know I would have to put up one of the gray scale patterns, but I don't have anything to compare it too. What do you use?