I am looking to upgrade my Sony DVP-NC600 dvd player that I use equally for video as I do audio. I am interested in the Denon 2910 and the 2900. I hear alot about the Burr-Brown converter that is in the 2900, but I dont believe Denon uses it in the 2910. I also have noticed that the older 2900 sells for more $ than the newer 2910, why is this? I am not the type of person that asumes just because something is more exspensive it must be better, butt in some cases it is true. There is soo much lingo in the spec sheets I just dont understand. The only thing I do know is I want a good unit. Can someone please help? Equipment Denon 2802 rec., Rotel RMB-1075 amp, B&W DM604 S3 F.S., DM600 S3 Sur., LCR60 Ctr., ASW600 Sub.
I have the 2910, and as far as I understand, they're pretty much the same, just the newer model is the yearly update. I've had mine almost a year, no problems, and it works great. BTW the 2910 is more expensive everywhere i've looked, but the 2900 might be now because they've stopped making it.