Information needed about Dish sizes and compatibility!


New member
Username: Johnydepp

Post Number: 7
Registered: Nov-05
I want to have some info before I could purchase a dish. Can someone please tell me if a superdish is compatible with FTA receivers? Also I wanted to know if a SuperDish which is 20" by 36" is equivelant to a 36" round dish. A buddy wants to send me a Superdish from States, but before he does I want to know this. The place I live needs a 36" dish to catch 119 that's why I want to know if this oval Superdish will work just as good.

Thank you guys, this place rocks as I learned quite a bit from here.


Bronze Member
Username: Decko

Toronto, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 26
Registered: Aug-05
you can get dish here
you need 18 to 20 dish side for 119
if you are in toronto you can bay it from

New member
Username: Johnydepp

Post Number: 9
Registered: Nov-05
I am not in Toronto, I live in Saskatchewan and the dish I need is 36". It would be nice if someone could explain my question which I posted up.


Unregistered guest
20" by 36" is not equivalent to a 36" dish round the super dish is meant to catch 119, 110, and 97 maybe 121 in the states but if you need a 36" dish round chances are the super dish will work but you wont benefit from it if I were you I would stay with the 36" dish round it has a better grasp fot vertical transponders than th=e oval one

Unregistered guest
20" by 36" is not equivalent to a 36" dish round the super dish is meant to catch 119, 110, and 97 maybe 121 in the states but if you need a 36" dish round chances are the super dish will work but you wont benefit from it if I were you I would stay with the 36" dish round it has a better grasp fot vertical transponders than the oval one
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