I really would appreciate any help with regards to recording media. I bought a Panasonic DMR-E50 last year and have just taken it out of the box a week ago. It has taken 2 days to finally get the cabling connections right. I have never given the type of media (brand or speed) any thought. I originally bought Sony DVD-R (1-4x) as I only bought one box and planned on transferring a lot of VHS footage to DVD I went and bought 2 spindles of Memorex (8x). It was the Memorex 8x that I started using but after recording on this media I found that the discs were blank. I called the Panasonic support line and tech support told me that Panasonic recorders have problems with the Memorex disc and that I should buy either Pioneer or TDK discs. So I ordered the TDK disc which arrived yesterday and this is the first time that I noticed that each spindle that I have has a different speed. Can sometime me what is the difference between the 3 and is it something that would make a difference with respect to the visual quality of finished product. Thanks
P.S The Panasonic media is not available in my area and I just as soon be able to my from my local stores.
Speeds are mainly for PC burners, or HD standalone recorders. Standalones may need a firmware update to use 8x discs. If there's a firmware update for your recorder, it would be on Panasonic's websight.