No New York Local's on Fortec Lifetime Ultra


Bronze Member
Username: Coolie11

Post Number: 13
Registered: Nov-05
Could someone help me, I've got a fortec Star lifetime ultra in NY but I just can't seem to get any local Channels.

I've tried everything I read on this site but still no luck.

I have all the PPV,Sports,Adult and even the International channels. but NO Local's.

1 Dish 500 for 119,110 and 1 Dish 300 for 61.5

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Bronze Member
Username: Coolie11

Post Number: 14
Registered: Nov-05
Could someone please help me?

Bronze Member
Username: Prfrmnj

Post Number: 42
Registered: Oct-05
Coolie11 - I answered your question in your other thread. You need to load a good channel list with NY Local Channels. I've already given you the site you can download from DSS-Testers. If you still don't have local channels it's because you haven't done what I suggested.
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