HDMI picture worse!


Unregistered guest
I have a Samsung TV (LN-R328W) and a Samsung DVD (DVD-HD845). For a few weeks I watched with just regular cables and the picture looked great. Then I purchased a Monster 400 HDMI cable to see if the picture quality would improve. I now have an awful grainy picture. Both products have video settings set to HDMI. How can this be?

Bronze Member
Username: Cuylar


Post Number: 95
Registered: Nov-05
Use noise reduction. That samsung DVD Player is not going to improve the picture much either. Can you snap a digital photo of each to show us. It might be a different problem.

Unregistered guest
I already have noise reduction on. I have tried taking photos, but even on Macro settings the graininess is difficult to distinguish. The graininess is similar to a salt and peppering effect. As if small clusters of pixels are not refreshing quickly enough. This effect is almost negligible with regular cables. The long and the short of it is, the picture is worse with the HDMI cable. I have another DVD player plugged in with regular cables, and when switching from DVD to DVD you can see the difference.
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