The 480i 'narrow' mode cuts the sides of the active picture area off by roughly 1" on each side on a 52" 1080 DLP. I confirmed this by switching to the next 'format' where it goes to one of those damn 'stretch' modes that look ridiculous and the missing edges (sides) are there. It's almost as you are looking at a 3.5 x 3 instead of a 4x3.
After a hour long conversation with a engineer from Mitsubshi (about this and other issues), he confirmed this and claimed Mits has no intention of doing anything about it with these models as it would be too costly. I gave the example of loosing a customer for that reason along with fan noise issues (not unique to these sets) and the NetCommand annoyance screen nag if you don't complete the process. Apparent Mits would rather loose customers with current models and make up for it with the next version instead.
This appears to occur on every input EXCEPT HDMI. I have sent a e-mail to the following address complaining about the problem;
The contact page is here;
I looked at the owners manual that I d/l'ed from their site and on page 88, the descriptions for all the different 'formats' are blacked out ! This tells me they are covering up the issue. Now, take a look at page 90, the PC formats are NOT blacked out. Apparently someone at Mits knows the set doesn't preform as advertised and edited page 88 to cover themselves.
But, in your hard copy of the owners manual and it's a different story;
Clearly at the top of the page where it shows the "original source" and at the bottom of the page where it shows the "narrow" mode, BOTH are the SAME patterns (other than the addition of the black side bars). The four circles in the corners are NOT cut off!
This is clearly FRAUD !
Paying over $3k for a set which is their 2nd generation, this shouldn't be. There is no reason for it. Again, the reply was; They won't do anything about it until the next model. IOW's tough s***!
While you are at it add a comment about the ridiculous amount of power consumption this uses when it is supposely off (65 watts).