As mentioned in my other message in this board, my father baught a LG RH7500 HDD/DVD recorder. Now its remotecontrol has some functions to control the TV. To get this work, you first have to enter the code for the brand of the TV. These codes are listed in the manual, however there is no code for Philips/Aristona. Does anyone know if there is a code for Philips/Aristona? Of course I have tried all the codes in the manual but they do not work.
I used the code for Philips instead of aristona. There was no code for aristona. I will give some codes the first one worked for me! 515 518 512 These codes woked on a Pioneer remote controle for my DVD player, now I can use volume, channels and shutting down my television. (Which is Aristona) I wish you succes and I hope it workes!