here is their orasat ad : Orasat 5.0 is the most anticipated fta receiver EVER. Orasat 5.0 free to air satellite receiver has been given the best reviews from web forums/boards and they say it is the best free to air unit out. We highly suggest this free to air satellite receiver, it is the most powerful and is easy to use!!! Get the Orasat 5.0 today!!
They go into forums and post good things about their receiver they had made by some overseas company and try to scam $$$$ out of people when they have an inferior product to Pansat, C00LSat, Viewsat even Fortec.
You have all been warned, if you buy one of these units you get what you deserve
max power is the one that posted that, thats sad man you dont like the store cuz you own a store. max power post under other user name to bash then promote there own unit. look at the time posted. max power man just post your address in others dont bash free to air receivers its bad for all fta companies. yours and all dealers and bad for us fta users. just post your own website.
i got 2 pansat 2700a from them never had a problem at all they helped me when i had a few questions. m
Never going to that site
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Here is the problem.......... "Orasat 5.0 free to air satellite receiver has been given the best reviews from web forums/boards and they say it is the best free to air unit out"
Where has anyone seen that on any respected forum? If you can find one example of this include a link. I'd say that is a poor attempt to sell an unknown unit and that site can not be trusted.