ok, im not very tv saaavy, but a quick google search directed me to this site. ill try to do the best i can to explain the problem. i will include every thing that happened in hopes of someone giving me an answer.
i have a sony rear projection television (dont have a clue about model or what not). my dad bought it in 2000 i believe, and it worked fine..... until a few days ago... i turned it on after coming homr from school to watch tv, and i realized that something was amiss. i think the red lamp might have moved because there was a giant red block about 1 inch off the left edge. this little text animation may help describe my problem. if the line is the edge of my tv, the parenteses and the underbar shows the red block
very troubling as you can see. everything seemed to slope off at the ends and it looked like everyone had a sun burn. (it was a nightmare watching lost that night). and, something interesting i noticed, if you put on 3d glasses and looked at the screen, it looked normal!!! (note, they were 3d glasses from disney world muppets movie thing.)
so anyways, getting tired of having to wear 3d glasses to watch tv, i decided to open up the tv and see if there was anything i could do. everything looked good(as far as i know) i tried moving the red lamp, but its implanted in its space. i tried messing with the color,contrast, ect. but nothing helped. when i press the color test button on the front of the tv, it flashes blue for a few seconds, then green and then red for a split second and then back to green and blue. i got an idea of putting aluminum foil on the red lamp, which makes the picture acceptable to look at, but nothing is red, only blue and green. a bit dissapointing, but at least its viewable. i dont exactly have a bunch of money to burn on a new tv or hiring someone to fix it unless its absolutly, 100% nessecary, so i was wondering if anyone here knows what i should do. anytips at all would help. thanks alot.