Sorry, if this is the incorrect forum for this, just finding any sort of forum on tvs seems to be difficult.
Anyways I have this panasonic model project tv. I turned the tv off, then an hour or so later I turned it back on and wammo there was a massive color shift. I went into the convergence menu and the green was WAY off center, unfortunately I couldn't move the green back towards the other direction, the red & blue move fine, but if I try to move them towards the green I get a massive distortion around one of the edges. Now I didn't whack the tv, no large magnets got near it, hell I wasn't even in the room (no kids or pets either btw) for most of the time.
So my question is, has anyone heard of a similar problem? If so is there a way I can fix it? If not anyone know of what I should look for as far as yellow pages or what not for someone to make a housecall, because there is no way I can take this tv anywhere.