Need help please. I have a 52' RCA TV (model#P527300R) - purchased in 1994. I have had no problem until now. Changed the fuses and nothing happened. The TV will not come on at all. Just dead! Any suggestions?
Buy, yes. Replace-I wouldn't attempt it unless I knew exactly what I was doing.
The MOFO has spoken.
Posted on
Yep - happened to me - TWICE NOW! It's the High-Voltage Regulator. Cost about $225.00 to have a technician come out and replace back in early 2003. Lasted about 1-1/2 yrs of heavy use before it blew again. Now it's just living room junk until I decide to move out to the garage and "donate" it to some Thrift Store or give it away.
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I have a 2000 RCA projection TV Model P52921, serial no. 022351178, Chassis no. PTK195M1B. In July 2004 I had a problem with the convergence popping out (with an hour glass look on the screen). I had it repaired, invoice states "Repaired convergence power board" . Parts : Regulator STK730-130 - $38.85 and labor $150.00 . Grand total $190.79 (includes tax). Well as of two days ago the same problem has started, the convergence pop in and out with an hour glass screen. I called the repair man, he seemed shock that this is happening again. He tells me to bring it in ($45 just to look)and the warranty ran out 30 days after I took the tv home. The last thing I want to do is to sink another $200 into this tv just to have this same problem in another year. Can anyone give me any information on this problem. Should I consider not fixing it and buying another tv? HELP....
I have a 5 year old 32" RCA TV. The sound on it is all screwed up. It is totally distorted and high pitch. What can I do?
Unregistered guest
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The first thing to always do before calling a servicer is to pull the power plug for a few minutes to reset the control system. If that doesn't work, you probably have a part failure inside the set.
I bought two rca 36 in. tv's Jan of 03 model f36650. Both went in nov. of 2005 within a week of each other.Best buy cant get the part,its almost 2 months now and finally got approval to bring them back for an exchange.Not getting any RCA tv's ever again!
Have a 55" RCA P56830BL repaired convergence brd and still having problems with the pwr supply draining the +45,-45 +15 and the-15 to less than 2.0vdc, the 22vdc is not drained once the blue yoke circuit is pluged in,I have replaced all driver and resistors in the blue circuit. Help!!