Well let me see.I factoy reset my fortec star,flashed the 218 thingie(bin),power scaned and BAM!I'm not gettin a lot of channels.All but 2 hbo's gone,bout 3 nudie channels out,comedy central,game,nick,bye bye. Trick Vic sent me his channel master and I uploaded it,and the channels took on to the reciever but when I turn to them,SCRAMBLED or BAD SIGNAL! Followed directions from the nag thread to the tee. I just gotta know,is anyone else havin this problem? The sat's I got are echo7,echo6.8 or dish 119, dish 110.Power scaned ALL. I'm gettin some stations so it should'nt be a reception problem.Oh,also no radio,just a stupid sing and radio 1900 station. If I'm forgetin somethin or doing something wrong,please help.If it's just a issue with the way this works , let me know, either way by way of this post. Thanks.