I have Directv, but am unable to get local channels becuase of trees from our yard. I figured that I would get limited Comcast cable to get the local channels. When cable was installed (and Directv disconnected from the tv), the cable connection didn't work and the cable guy said that it was because the directv was interfering with the cable signal. Not being an expert, I thought that cable comes through a wire and satellite from a dish. Is this answer BS? If it is not, do you have any advice to hooking up both to a single tv so that I don't have to unplug the coax exery time I switch between the two?
The answer is simple: you can have both. There are several ways to accomplish this. You could, for example, use the tv coax input for standard cable and the tv av inputs for Directv. There are other possibilities.
Curious about how both the DirectTV and Cable get to your TV... Are they both running in on the same wire, or do you have two seperate wires (one for cable, one for sat)? If you have two seperate wires, Dale has spoken If you have a combiner running both the Sat and Cable feed on the same coaxial feed, you need to get a seperate line run because the Sat and Cable share frequencies that would cause interference.
You're obviously going to have a separate wire for each source. I never watch my cable though. The only reason I have it is because it's cheaper to have basic cable to get the broadband cable discount than it is to get the broadband computer connection alone. I have hooked it up, but never watch it.....LOL