They are pretty well identical. The 3000 is supposed to work with the Pansat 2500a bins but you are taking your chances if the N2bin has a clone kill built in. Check ftacentral,com I think it has a 2500bin that says "safe for all" but no guarantees. Flash with 2500a Factory Bin first. Good Luck and never buy a PANSAT 3000
Have you flashed it in the past successfully and if so, what was the last bin that you flashed to it? Does it start to upload then you get the message or does it immediately say Er1?
I flashed successfully in the past with Bl1.4 and the last bin was XBL..245...but i tried to upload the factory bin 222 or any other bin file..but no does'nt start upload ..the receiver stuck on the first dash (-)... ANd i have to power the receiver of and on again to get my fta channels as normal...
i don know exactly what is the prob..i saw many threads in other site talking about that but no result...