Whats a good safe site to order yet


Unregistered guest
i wanna get a new receiver where is a good and safe site to order one from

New member
Username: Xpehbam

Greensboro, NC

Post Number: 7
Registered: Jun-05

Unregistered guest
Stay away from satsales.biz , I bought from their ebay auction 10 weeks ago, still no receiver!

Unregistered guest
is satcyber a safe place to order from

Worked for ME
Unregistered guest

Silver Member
Username: Slo_hand2

Post Number: 125
Registered: May-05
I found freetoairdish.com to be fast and reliable.

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Username: Aceduce

Post Number: 2
Registered: Sep-05
pansat 2500a.com another good place.

Silver Member
Username: Maple_leaf

Post Number: 839
Registered: Apr-05
Which one do you want??

Unregistered guest
Another good sight is GRONK@HOTMAIL.COM.
Ask 4 useless Mable leaf...lol

Bosox LK
Unregistered guest
Use the sponsors at: (they will not rip U off and will send whatever U purchase)

[link removed]
[link removed]
www.al7bar. tk

More importantly is HOW U buy...use a money order and a bogus post office box under an alias name..leave no paper trail to your real identity or home address..

BTW..The LK post above is from an imposter...

Also I am LK..and now get this message,so someone has stolen my nick here again...I will be Bosox from now on when visiting here..

The name you entered too closely resembles the username or full name of a registered user or moderator on this board.

I am the real LK

Unregistered guest
Thanks Bosox LK,sorry to hear someone stole your LK nick.I have followed you for awhile here and know you give good advice.

Lots of great sponsors on www.rom10x.com

New member
Username: Scatman

Post Number: 3
Registered: Sep-05
Bosox LK said:
"More importantly is HOW U buy...use a money order and a bogus post office box under an alias name..leave no paper trail to your real identity or home address.."

A little paranoid are we? There is nothign illegal about owning, using or selling these boxes as long as you use them for free to air tv.

I strongly recommend purchasing a box from a sponser at one of the sites listed above. I prefer the al7bar.tv site. You may have a different preference.

New member
Username: Homer_simpson

Post Number: 4
Registered: Sep-05
Send a money order if you want to get scammed.

ftaworld.c0m have COD for USA and Canada.
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