I have been looking into purchasing a 32 inch LCD TV. As of what I understand up until now the best LCD TV with a built in Tuner out there is the Sharp. But I noticed that Sony just came out with a new model that has a built in Tuner.
I cant seem to find any review on either of the TV's. Does anyone own either of them or can suggest which one is a better product?
Well i can tell you this i just purchased from circuit city the Hitachi 32hdl51 for 1800.00. I thought it was a great deal,The tv is a closeout . Tv is actually better at home than at the store.I would put this tv up against any other 32" lcd. I looked at them all and could not pass up the deal,Tv does have a seperate a/v box which at first i did'nt like,but after getting it home makes setup so much easier and its really no big deal. I hooked up a subwoofer to the tv output and the sound is very impressive,if you can find this one around save some money and take a look at it. good luck